Hello everybody,

I have a problem : i just purchased the Steam release of DD and i am encountering the same problem as Wibbs. The game freezes every time i hit an enemy. It doesn't freeze if i miss my hit, but when (i assume) was about to hit the ennemy for good, the game freezes and i have to close it with Ctrl+Alt+Del. I tried only on rabbits in the departure town, but i assume it will be the same for every enemies, as Wibbs said. (note that if the cat kills the rabbit, the game does not freeze :D)

That said, this is annoying, as i surely can't go very far in the game without killing anything.. Seemed so good for the 40 minutes i played before trying to kill a rabbit, twice (lol).

I assume that it is not a specs related problem, but maybe more like a problem with the Steam version (i'm saying that but i have absolutely no idea on the reason of the freeze :P). I am on W7 Family Premium Edition 64 bits.

Is somebody else is having the problem ?

Last edited by DisplayName; 06/07/12 12:31 AM.