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Destroying piracy may or may not improve their sales. Wiping out the legal opposition almost certainly WILL improve their sales.

'Follow the money' is the rule, isn't it?

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When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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... Now they call Divinity 2 "classical role-playing" :

(This is the front page of the new issu of the German gaming magazine called "Gamestar".)

This means to me nothing but that "Action-RPGs" are now seen as "Classical RPGs" by the press ... *shudder*

This is a definitive shift in viewing computer Role-Playing. Action = Classic. *shudders again*

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I know in the past there're already many discussions about "role playing" ... what's exactly IS role playing, etc etc ...

In some way the Sims are role playing, but in 'simulator' game you play a father or uncle or you're the son of ... and play a role in a 'family' ...

Looking at rpg games : The Elder Scrolls games are more role playing (you can buy your own house and make your own home base with furniture etc etc ... you can even marry !)
I like that, it's nice this all can be in a rpg .

Divinity II is another kind of rpg, for me more action, but in some way I turn the action down a little because I spend most time in trading, talking with NPC's, doing quests and if I've the opportunity to choose between fighting or solve the matter via persuading or another peaceful option, I choose that last one (mostly).

And the Flames of Vengeance part is less action that the Ego Draconis part and I like that very much and hope Divinity III is a action rpg with LOTS of role play elements and TONS of humour smile !!!

But I agree with Alrik about that article (link) ... I my opion a action rpg is not the same as a classic rpg . But tehn again : WHAT exactly IS a classic rpg ? Who can describe that ?

I appreciate it very much if a rpg gives the player many options to play the rpg like he/she wish to play ... so you, the gamer, find your own personal way to play your favorite rpg'(s ).
What I like is also I can invest statpoints too, not only skillpoints. That's so bad in many casual rpg's like TES, Arcania, etc ... in Skyrim you can only put points in HP or MP, Oblivion was way worser on this and Arcania ... *shudders* ....
But the trading I like in all Divnity games !!
And playing as a Priest is fantastic, lovely, fun, ... and above all, if I really wish, I can just let my Creature, Summon Ghost or Summon Demon do the action work (battles) for me and wait & see how the enemies suffer while I use Hide in Shadows and if needed summon again an ally or Charm or Blind a victime ... use Fear or Curse ... so relaxed and fun to play ... smile

& Ronja the Priest-with-big-pleasure-all-times-long

On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin,
it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joram #453754 01/03/12 12:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Joram
But tehn again : WHAT exactly IS a classic rpg ? Who can describe that ?

My opinion is relatively simple : It depends on the generation.

The gaming generation that began with gaming within the last 10 years have seen nothing but Action-RPGs. "Old school"-RPGs have become more and more rare.

And to this younger generation, Action-RPGs indeed imho ARE "classics".

They will feel disturbed if a game does NOT play like with the mechnics they have learned from Action-RPGs ! - Like that moron who destroed his own game by playing Drakensang 2 as an Action-RPG and then whining about it in the forums how BAD this game was !!! (Maxing out everything combat-related, determinded to hack & slash his way through the game ... At first I couldn't believe it !)

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"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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So, in fact, a "classic rpg" is NOT any kind of rpg genre, but a name
linked with the current generation of gamers and so we all know,
games changes by time, generation after generation .

On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin,
it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joram #453759 01/03/12 01:43 PM
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This is more or less what I tend to believe, yes.

And of course, there are "ageless classics" as well. Just works which have stood the "test of time".

Like Mozart, for example. wink Or the Iliad. wink

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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Much as I hate to say it, Alrik is right about the definition of classic in this case.

Not that I hate to agree with Alrik normally, I hasten to add, but in this case he has written a most unpalatable truth.

The sad fact is that we role players should have actively defended what RPGs are in the beginning, and actively protested when computer game manufacturers turned out stuff with zero actual role playing (Diablo, the Final Fantasy games, etc) and called them RPGs when they blatantly are not.

But we didn't. And so people who mistook the system for the game have been allowed to call pretty much anything an RPG until the term has almost no meaning anymore.

Darn it...

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7 special incidents in MMO history (2 pages) :

Page 1 :

Page 2 :

Page about Fansy The Famous :

My favourite part from there :

So the scary bad guys started to pray.
[Sat Jul 07 23:39:31 2001] Kailkhan shouts, 'o well then what you gonna do? petition his queere ass '
[Sat Jul 07 09:32:58 2001] Alix shouts, 'dude everyone petition him this is harrashment'
[Sat Jul 07 23:37:09 2001] Alix shouts, 'training is allowed, but dedicating a char just to training and nothing else isn't'
[Sat Jul 07 14:18:55 2001] Albertino says out of character, 'u can be sure there will petition now several guys … i dont think u will be much longer on this server'
[Sat Jul 07 14:17:29 2001] Abyss says out of character, 'if the whole zone petitions the GM's will get pissed'
[Sat Jul 07 06:01:41 2001] Skratchen says out of character, 'well i dont petition much but ive done it on him,,hes using an exploit to do this '
[Sat Jul 07 06:02:57 2001] Ziggruk says out of character, 'i smell exploit'
[Sat Jul 07 06:14:22 2001] Pudge says out of character, 'well , someone let a gm know bring it to there attention , could have over looked it'
[Sat Jul 07 06:27:03 2001] Feran says out of character, 'report him'
[Sat Jul 07 14:16:29 2001] Bawa says out of character, 'u want another petition'
[Sat Jul 07 14:17:02 2001] Albertino says out of character, 'ok now ye get banned'
[Sat Jul 07 14:24:16 2001] Vindolin says out of character, 'should i petition?'
[Sat Jul 07 14:24:21 2001] Albertino says out of character, 'ya'
[Sat Jul 07 14:24:49 2001] Ansalon says out of character, 'heis EXPLOITING the rule of no PvP under lvl 6'
[Sat Jul 07 14:25:01 2001] Albertino says out of character, 'this is an exploit'
[Sat Jul 07 14:27:43 2001] Zimzalabim says out of character, 'just petition and see what u get out of it…then we have result hehe'
[Sat Jul 07 23:36:22 2001] Alix shouts, 'the gm told me that if fansy starts training people again to petition him because he has been warned'
[Sun Jul 08 01:53:00 2001] Kordesh shouts, 'I don't care what I have to do. I don't care if I get banned in the process. I will e-mail, petition, and post untill that faggot is banned!'
[Sun Jul 08 01:56:19 2001] Malkov shouts, 'i say we petition the GM's to power pansy to lvl 6 so we can all root him!'
[Sun Jul 08 01:58:25 2001] Kirel shouts, 'this is what I am petitioning… " would you please make pansy L6 so that we can do something about his unfair advantage in PVP tactics?'
[Sun Jul 08 04:00:30 2001] Ravenbane says out of character, 'petitioned for harrasment'

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
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"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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There will be an massive event called "Rise Of The Underdark" which will affect virtually *everything* (A)D&D - related ... :

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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Anyone interested in reading a series of DDO (D&D) Fan Fiction short stories ?
Looks good to me, and an "ebook" version seems to be available there, too.

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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Rumors say that dtp, Publisher of Divinity & Drakensang, is insolvent.

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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Okay, i don't know if this is good place for this, but here: first "Exclusive" review of diablo III:

Last edited by pall; 16/05/12 08:59 AM.
pall #455455 29/05/12 11:14 AM
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I haven't seen this video yet, but read a escription of its thesis : It is very much like my heory that there can be a kind of addiction to adrenaline evoked by fast-paced video games.

Philip Zimbardo holds a similar theory :

Means that I'm not that crazy, after all, only so much far ahead with my thoughts that most people just can't understand me anymore. wink

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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Typed down from the printed British magazine "Retro Gamer" on the decline of flight sim games:

'Space combat games have declined in recent years, […]. David [Wessman] has a theory on why : "The particular skills required are of a higher order than the eye-hand co-ordination and fast reflexes of standard shooters. It also requires quick thinking and problem solving on a very high level of situational awareness. All of this is compounded by the fact that you are in 3D space in which you can move in any direction, and threats come from everywhere. It's a sad, true fact that many people have difficulty navigting a 3D space. Not many publishers are willing to risk the amount of money it takes to make a triple-A game when they know the majority of the public won't buy the game because they're incapable of playing it." '

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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Gamasutra : "Male Gaze And Video Games" :

Discussion on it at RPGWatch :

Wikipedia articles on the matter :

Especially the Wikipedia articles are imho very interesting !

In many games, male characters are portrayed as hard bodied, muscled men, and female characters are portrayed as soft bodied, nearly naked women with large breasts. In addition, Flew also believes that female characters in games are usually portrayed in a narrowly stereotypical manner. Females are usually constructed as visual objects who wait for male rescue and need to be protected, whereas men are portrayed with more power. Such depiction of females in games reflects underlying social ideas of dominance of male over female and themes of masculinity. Although not all video games contain such stereotypes, there are enough to make it a general trait.

I clearly see these stereotypes when I look at the D:OS protagonists ...

Last edited by AlrikFassbauer; 03/07/12 10:59 AM.

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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That point about Lara Croft is just inane. The guy attacking her has been stranded on an island for years. Lara is the first woman he's seen for years and she also happens to be his enemy. Of course he's going to want to rape her before killing her.

I guess murder is okay though. Yeah, put murder into games but keep rape out.


There's a reason why gaming is seen as a child's hobby by some still and it's because of political correctness of people like that guy in that article who doesn't want games to tackle mature subjects.

Demonic #456389 05/07/12 03:28 PM
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The guy does have something of a point, but he tries to over-sell it AND he ignores the equal stereotyping of male characters, which is often just as bad if not worse in games.

Lara Croft specifically IS a very strong character. She happens to be attractive, sure, but the reason why no other female game character has ever over-taken her for recognition or popularity is about her character, her attitude. There are female characters who show far more skin than Lara ever has and whom most gamers have never even heard of. Everyone knows Lara. Also, far from being rescued, if there's any rescuing needs doing it'll be Lara doing it.

The problem is that game makers, broadly speaking, think in stereotypes. All male soldiers are steroid abusers, all scientists look completely mad... All female characters look like they stepped out of a Hollywood film, all sleek, glossy and with immaculate make up.

When have you ever seen a male protagonist in a video game who was not young, toned to within an inch of his life and attractive to women?

In short, the real problem in gaming is not female stereotyping, it's stereotyping full stop. SOME characters of both genders avoid that, but they are the exceptions, not the rule.

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It depends on the game genre. I haven't come across much stereotyping in adventure games as compared to say, action or fighting games.

virumor #456434 06/07/12 01:40 PM
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I kind of loved the voice of the Shaman in Wizardry 8. It broke so many boundaries.

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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