I was first worried about the fact that Larian change to make a tactical RPG, but finally that could be à wonderful game (as the previous divinity). My only concern is about the skills and the evolution of the characters, the devlopers seems to give a great importance to magic in the next divinity and I think that one of the key point of divinity sucess is that you can build your character the way you want : if you want to create a ranger with only archery skills you can, if you want to create a warrior with spells you can, and both can be balanced. the non-fighting skills (for example the one that reduce the cost when you read someone thought in divinity 2 or hooking) are also interesting to progress in the adventure.
I would also like a scenarion as interesting and with all the divinity's humour.
I have great hope in the game editor too (I posted on the topic dealing with that)
Finally, I hope that we will have a good collector version !! the divinity 2 collector version was wonderful (even if the french one did not include the figure), the cloth map is a very fun goodie and the cd with divinity 2 OST is wonderful. So I hope that we will have such a good collector edition with divinity original sin (good luck to find a goodie as fun as the cloth map^^, may be a rivellon coin?...)
EDIT : I forgot something that I would like to see in divinity original sin (but il is impossible because it takes place before divine divinity) it is the crusade of the draconis order. I am very fascinated about this
Last edited by Chaotica; 12/08/12 12:14 AM.