Originally Posted by Elliot_Kane
and the speed at which Obsidian raised the money from their Kickstarter definitely shows the market is as hungry for them as ever.

I disagree.

I believe they got their money that quickly because there i a severe drought.

Of exactly this kind of game they wanna do (and Larian as well, by the way, and not forgetting the "Chaos Chronicles").

Who would do that kind of game ?

- EA / Bioware ? Nope
- Bethsoft ? Nope
- ActiBlizzard ? Nope
- Ubisoft ? Nope
- Namco ? Nope
- Square Helix ... ahem .. ? Nope

Who's left ? Clearly none of the bigger names in the PC industry.

Last edited by AlrikFassbauer; 16/09/12 10:44 AM.

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