Elliot's Team:The Doctor (Doctor Who: The Adventure Games)
Role: Team scientist & diplomat.
Even with no TARDIS (Stolen for obvious reasons! :D) The Doctor is more than a match for any future technology and his sonic screwdriver can not only deal with high tech doors but also robots and the like. Excellent planning skills are the icing on the cake.
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider series)
Role: information, scouting, light combat, acrobatics.
Lara's knowledge of the ancient and completely obscure is unparalleled, making her a major asset. Her puzzle solving and acrobatic skills let her get to places other characters (Literally) cannot reach and her combat skills mean there isn't much out of the ordinary she cannot handle.
The Nameless One (Planescape: Torment)
Role: healer of last resort.
Nameless has two great advantages as a character: firstly, whenever he dies he resurrects a while later, making him effectively immortal, and secondly he has the ability to resurrect any of his team mates who get killed. This removes both the utterly fake character re-spawning and the annoying 'reload for Nth time due to party death' scenarios. Plus, amnesiac immortals are cool!

Nameless can also switch between close combat, thief and mage skills, making him very versatile.
Tommy Tawodi (Prey)
Role: Scout, light combat.
Armed with a combination of alien tech and shamanic powers, Tommy can astrally project in order to scout areas out invisibly, then take down any enemies with some seriouly high tech weaponry. Not a man to take lightly! (I'd probably remove his self-resurrection ability, though, as not needed for this game).
Yuna (Final Fantasy X & X-2)
Role: Summoner, healer, light combat.
Yuna can summon Aeons - powerful ghost spirits - for heavy combat, has excellent healing skills and (Given her shooting skills from X-2) makes a useful back-up fighter in normal skirmishes, too. Yuna gets her personality, outfit & guns from X-2, but everything else from X, giving her the best of both worlds!
Duke Nukem (Duke Nukem series)
Role: Heavy Combat
Every team needs that one member who can both take and deal truly immense amounts of damage. Duke is that guy. Armed with a formidable array of heavy weaponry, he's more dangerous than an armoured division all on his own. As long as you don't need him to walk and talk at the same time!