Joined: Oct 2012
The faster songs are probably just remixes of the originals; If the faster songs are just remixes, then the cheapest ones, I've ever seen in my life.  The flawed/remixed version of 'Festival of Immortals' hurts my ears. Welcome to the forum. Thanks
Last edited by tehasut; 27/10/12 08:20 AM.
Joined: Oct 2012
3. We're trying to get all games on the vault to feature Steam keys. No promise yet as it's one of the things we're still working on (see my blog www.lar.net for more details  ) Is there any news about this? Is it still being worked out? Or is it not happening?
Joined: Oct 2012
OK, I wrote an e-mail to the developers about the soundtrack issue, and I got the answer: "Kirill Pokrovsky remastered those songs especially for this Anthology." I'm calm now.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Oh yeah, just picked something at random, Majesty of the Fjords, and it does sound rather different; not just faster (I think) but a rather different arrangement altogether. I think I preferred the original, but that might simply be because that's what I was expecting!
Edit: oh yeah, I forgot, I have the original handy thanks to Kirill's downloadable soundtrack, so I can listen to them back-to-back. They really are pretty different. It's a shame the downloadable ones are in mp3 format since it tends to sound a little muddy...
Last edited by Vometia; 29/10/12 10:23 AM.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Dec 2010
And the Anthology is now officially released on Steam! http://store.steampowered.com/sub/17798/  (I've got mine with the wonderful box eheh!) Congratulations! [And I saw that everyone who owns Divinity II, got a free version of Developer's Cut!  this honesty on your part should be highlighted!!] ...the only funny fact: if you take the Anthology, it costs 29,99 € but if you pick the three games individually, so... it's more interesting  29,97 € ! (Ok, it's just for 0,02€ :p )
Last edited by Drym'; 29/10/12 10:36 PM.
Joined: Apr 2005
[ And I saw that everyone who owns Divinity II, got a free version of Developer's Cut!  this honesty on your part should be highlighted!!] Where do you read that ? I don't think I can get a free version of the Developer's Cut(??) owning Divinity II twice (version 1, Ego Draconis + version DKS, both on Xbox360)
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Mar 2003
Steam added D2:DC to the game library of anyone who bought DKS from them. Larian also said they were working on a patch to add the Developer Mode to DKS (PC version).
Joined: Apr 2011
Got my free copy on Steam. Now I have got an excuse to play it again!
BTW I noticed that the original Divinity 2:ED and DKS are both 29.99 whilst Developer's cut is 12.99.
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Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Steam added D2:DC to the game library of anyone who bought DKS from them. Larian also said they were working on a patch to add the Developer Mode to DKS (PC version).
I don't mind paying for the Anthology version (I mean other than having the other games included there!), considering that my DKS installation was already using their patch to upgrade the already patched ED+FoV, I think I might've been pushing my luck with yet another patch to update everything to the Developers' Cut! (Edit: or is it the Director's Cut? I forget now.)
Last edited by Vometia; 30/10/12 11:50 AM.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Mar 2003
It is Divinity 2: Developer's Cut... but I've caught myself typing Director's Cut a couple times (a lot more movies have 'cut' versions than games).
Anyone who bought FoV or DKS from the Vault should already have D2:DC added to their games list.
Email Larian (support@larian.com) with the SecuROM key for the PC retail version of D2:ED or DKS to get a voucher for D2:DC from the Larian Vault.
Joined: Apr 2005
The guys from Larian Studios have luck that my pc can't handle DKS (nor D2: Developer's Cut) ... otherwise I start to become very angry ... But all in all I've a feeling of discrimination ... bought Divinity II DKS on Xbox, but NO Developer Cut for Xbox players ! I hope Divinity III will come on Xbox too .... for me it plays way more relaxed on an Xbox, can fast start up or shut down the console without all the annoying install problems, updates of anti-virus software, etc ! Brrrr ... it all gives me sometimes ... and I wish to give my pc a "brush off" ...
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Aug 2009
That is what PC gamers say when game being released exclusively on consoles.
Joined: Dec 2010
The guys from Larian Studios have luck that my pc can't handle DKS (nor D2: Developer's Cut) ... otherwise I start to become very angry ... But all in all I've a feeling of discrimination ... bought Divinity II DKS on Xbox, but NO Developer Cut for Xbox players ! Your PC can't handle DKS seriously? Arf bad luck... yet this game is "old", a low-end PC could run it now, I think (recommended: Windows XP/Vista, dualcore CPU 2,6 GHz, 2Gb Memory, video card GeForce 8800/Radeon HD 3800, 9Gb HD space). According to the last interview, they're working on PC version first (it's not a bad idea, it's like CDProjekt) : Ego Draconis was released for the PC, Cloud as well as on Xbox 360. But till date, only the PC version of Divinity: Original Sin have been announced. Is there a specific reason to this? Do you guys have plans to bring the franchise to Xbox 360/PS3?
We are now first working on the PC version. When we did Ego Draconis, we were working on PC and XBOX360 simultaneously, and in hindsight, catering for the XBOX hardware and sometimes even XBOX audience had an impact on the PC version. Sometimes it made the game better, but from a technical and technological point of view, the PC version of Ego Draconis could have been much better. We resolved those issues on PC with patches, and with our latest, ultimate version, Divinity 2: Developer’s Cut. [ http://gamingbolt.com/divinity-orig...-spells-and-tons-of-new-details-revealed ] So, you should build your PC! :p like Larian does! (I saw Antec enclosures in a video eheh).
Last edited by Drym'; 30/10/12 05:44 PM.
Joined: Apr 2005
No, on this moment not necessary to build up my pc (I've no dual core, so you can imagine how "old" my pc already is !) Plus I haven't the money to do so and on this moment I've many costs on the appartment building  ... plus I'm planning to spare money for a new kitchen ! I'm happy I can play relaxed DKS on my Xbox and it plays smooth and is so handy I can play DKS just for 1/2 hour if I wish, put on the box and a minute later I'm almost start to play DKS ... And IF I ever played DKS "grey" ... ever ? ..then I've still Skyrim and other rpg's lying around to play ... so no need for more games on the moment ! For pc I've DD & BD to play. For Divnity: Original Sin I do not have a wish this game is coming on console ... I believe, with the game editor in mind, D:OS is a game best played on pc ! And I've time enough to buy D:OS .. once upon a time in the future ... I'm sure gamers are playing D:OS at least till the year 2222 I was kidding about "I want Developer's Cut" and so on ... But that book included in the Anthology ...
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Oct 2012
It was mentioned earlier that Larian is working on getting Steam keys for games sold via the Vault. Is there any news about this?
Joined: May 2003
While this Anthology looks awesome and I'm extremely tempted to buy it, in the hopes that some day I'll have time for video games again and can catch up, I think I still prefer my 1.29 edition. Multiple runes make me tremendously happy.
Joined: Mar 2003
Hey LewsTherinKinslayer13  For anyone in North America who pre-ordered the retail anthology from the Larian Vault, I got mine on Monday (so pretty much 2 weeks shipping time, including weekends). If you have not gotten yours yet, it shouldn't be too much longer.
Joined: Nov 2009
Can anyone tell me if signed copies are still available? I really want one.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: Mar 2003
There are still retail versions of the anthology available from the Vault. I would imagine when they were doing the assembly line signings for all the pre-orders (see the pictures on their facebook page), they would have kept going until they had a bunch of extra copies signed, rather than have to get everyone to sign each time there was a new order (it wasn't announced as a pre-order only deal, anyway).