I suggest 2 of you guys just go hunting, looting, gathering, survining, arena fighting for a week in the woods near the studio. One dressed in bikini and one in tank armour.

The first realist in me says:
None of them are functional. The second one too heavy, too slow, the first is more agilde yes but still does'nt cover enough. To gain agility I guess leather should be the preferable armour material, metal is not suited for adventuring. But you can't go running in the woods/sun/cold with a naked abdomen. Could work well in dialogs though (charm+10p, armour-10p).

Perhaps that's interesting for another topic, in what ways may clothing influence dialogs?
There could be npc's that disgust bikini armour and treat anyone wearing it as a **** while others are much more talkative to more seducive clothing. And are there male equivalents to this?

The second realist in me says:
The first one will sell better. Definitely. Given that the second one would be charmed to have little weight, it still won't sell.

It's clearly just the old question of (in-game-sexism / sales-with-male-public = c)
Perhaps you can avoid the negative talk : just let the npc's themselves discuss the topic. And the players as well.