Originally Posted by virumor
The opposite of coin are settings where both men and women wear ridiculously big and elaborate armour, like World of Warcraft and Warhammer.

Then you have things like spiky armour, that looks like it'd cause its owner an injury when they tried putting it on, and stylised armour that doesn't quite work, such as Skyrim's elven armour which seems to have borrowed its shoulder pads from Warhammer (why do I keep wanting to type "Warhamster"?) I spent quite some time trying to reduce them to a slightly more sane proportion.

Also swords with loads of pointy bits and bat wings: I like my swords to look like, well, swords, not some something that's half cutlery, half demon.

Without wishing to sound too fangirly, Divinity gets away with some of these things more than other games because it doesn't take itself too seriously, but when it's a game that's all "serious business", it's a bit much.

J'aime le fromage.