Originally Posted by Lurker
In real life, women tend to wear more revealing clothes than men do. Why should this be any different in a fantasy RPG? Of course, there should also be non-revealing clothes for women.

Well, the fashion industry's issues aside... we're talking armour, not day-to-day clothing. Revealing armour is a sure-fire way to make yourself a target and get killed. Having realistic fashions for non-combatants, fine. There's no issue for me there.

Originally Posted by Lurker
In real life, it's generally a bad idea to walk into combat unarmoured (though you could also call it "heroic"). In a game world, characters can usually take a few hits before they are killed. There is magical healing, and regeneration can be very quick. In the context of this different reality, characters might not deem it necessary to wear armour, even if there isn't a fighter companion (or pet) who can act as a "doorstop" for enemies.

You're confusing gameplay mechanics with universe laws, there. It's why you can one-shot a fully-armoured character but they can't one-shot you. In Skyrim, it's perfectly possible to shoot someone in the head with an arrow and not kill them. I have (or had) a screenshot of my character, wearing a helmet, with an arrow sticking out of her neck.

Gameplay mechanics demand some artistic license, but they do not necessarily define the laws of the universe.

Originally Posted by Lurker
Wearing partial armour when you can have full armour is a bad idea, agreed. Having boob cups on armour is dangerous, true. But it's just as stupid to wear a heavy spiked shoulder piece that imbalances your movements and obstructs your sight. However, some people don't seem to care because they think it's cool. And the game developers cater to their wishes. As long as there also is some non-revealing and some non-exaggerated armour, everyone should be able to choose their character's looks as they see fit.

It might be just as stupid, but it's not the same issue. The boob armour stuff accentuates and exaggerates the breasts. That is the whole purpose of it - to go OI OI LOOK 'ERE THERE'S TEATS. Spiked armour and so on is often exaggerated for game design purposes (i.e. to make it stand out), but often can make a character look more evil (Sauron, anyone?). Yes, it's stupid, but that's all it is. It doesn't have much to do with anything else.

Originally Posted by Lurker
I also prefer more realistic armour than is depicted in the Original Sin concept art. But who am I to say that only my preferences should count when there are obviously players who want revealing or exaggerated armour?

I'm sure some players would like to make Lara Croft strip, but it doesn't mean they should have their wishes granted. But why should this be even a discussion? As I've said before in this topic, male characters are not treated in the same manner (and if they are, it's never on the same level), so it shouldn't happen to female characters. If Larian - or, well, any other studio - was willing to do it for all genders, then maybe there wouldn't be so much of an issue.