Originally Posted by Lurker

Originally Posted by Stabbey
I also don't see your point. I think Divinity 2 was much better than many other RPG's when it came to gender fairness, and Rhode is a good example. She's basically the most powerful person in the Dragon Slayers, she starts out as the player's boss, and is well respected. She takes down Talana.

In my opinion, div2 isn't such a great example. Rhode may be a strong woman, but the most powerful people in the game are Zandalor, the Divine One, Damian, Bellegar, Behrlihn. All of them men. Moreover, there is a greater variation in the appearance of male characters. To put it bluntly, almost all of the women looked the same to me - big-breasted Barbie dolls with model-like facial features, just with different hairstyles, eye colours and clothes. I would have preferred greater variation: more stout women, more old women, more plain-looking women. Though I see that extending the range of character models is a significant cost factor.

You left out Ygerna. She was definitely one of the most powerful people - she was the final boss of the entire game, for pete's sake, and trapped a demigod in an alternate dimension from beyond the grave

There's Rhode, too, of course, and while the player never witnessed Rhode in combat, she's widely respected as the most powerful Dragon Slayer (the elite of the elites), and her mortal-wounding of Talana (herself centuries old and a killer of many Slayers) is proof of that, I think.

I specifically said that Divinity 2 wasn't perfect in its use of gender roles, but the series does have its bright spots. In Divine Divinity, 3 of the 5 black ring members were women, and a woman was in charge of the entire army. In Divinity 2, half of the Black Ring generals were women.

Yes, the game didn't have a lot of variety in character models. Most of the men were basically the same body, no stout men, and even the grey-haired men in their 90's looked pretty good still. To me that seems less like a gender issue and more like a budget/resource allocation issue.

Dwagginz, I can't believe that "Skyrim got it right" just because one or two of its armour sets look the same on women as men when many more of its armour sets are literal fur bikini's in the frozen wasteland of the north that show far more skin than anything in Divinity 2.