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old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2010
Originally Posted by Larian_QA
Originally Posted by Chaotica
Does that means that Bellegar will be back in D:OS?! laugh

Ew tacnno firconm ron edny iths!

This message will selfdestruct in errrr... never

We cannot confirm nor deny this? Is that because you can only do one? Confirm...

Mind you, a character like Bellegar can't just be confirmed upon a forum. I suppose you're going to release a news report simply about Bellegar being in Original Sin because he's so great that he deserves a report simply about him and nothing else.

Oh Larian you trolls...

Although we all know the greatest troll by far is the mighty Bellegar!

Last edited by Demonic; 05/12/12 06:02 AM.
Joined: Apr 2005
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Nice tales, Joram and Lotrotk smile ... surprising yourself indeed is a bizarre trick Bellegar might be capable of silly up

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Originally Posted by Demonic
Originally Posted by Larian_QA
Originally Posted by Chaotica
Does that means that Bellegar will be back in D:OS?! laugh

Ew tacnno firconm ron edny iths!

This message will selfdestruct in errrr... never

We cannot confirm nor deny this? Is that because you can only do one? Confirm...

Mind you, a character like Bellegar can't just be confirmed upon a forum. I suppose you're going to release a news report simply about Bellegar being in Original Sin because he's so great that he deserves a report simply about him and nothing else.

Oh Larian you trolls...

Although we all know the greatest troll by far is the mighty Bellegar!

Yeah, Bellegar, deserve fireworks, table full of food, choir... It is Bellegar after all, the one that gave you the way to destroy the main fortress of Damian (if you chose him^^), the immortal Bellegar !! king of rhymes

"-Oh that's fullmoon, cuttie cuttie sheep

Weresheeps will rule the world (At least one night every 29 days)
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Hail my friends, it�s Bellegar!
Ready for a tale bizarre?
Met a girl out on the hunt

EDIT I don't think continuing with the obvious rhyme is entirely necessary, especially if it gets cruder after that. - Raze

Last edited by Raze; 02/01/13 12:12 AM.
Joined: Jan 2012
Joined: Jan 2012
Only 2 people so far whose mind is dirty enough to think of that. Impressive!
ps prepare to be welcomed to the forum

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Hi, I am posting this that Haru just wrote in the Comments Section over at Larian's KS. Enjoy!

Haru (^_^) - Weresheep of Original Sin

Hail my friends, it�s Bellegar!
Ready for a tale bizarre?
Met a girl out on the hunt
With a tattoo of a moon crecent
She told me of how she was born
now her story is worn
Birthed in a faraway land
Her father a farmhand
When she was young
it had been sung
of a strange beast the ate the sheep
And many farmer did weep
For all that was left beside the hole in their wallets
was the staining blood droplets
But alas this creature was never found
and the number lost quite did astound
Till one day when left to her own devices
and her parents went to the city for a pound of rices
She saw a red sheep walking afar
not paying much heed at all
Till the day drew close
and bed she chose
Only to find her village
the next morning in much suffrage
For to her surprise the whole city had gone under.
The creature did eat every city-lander!
Leaving nothing behind
How Fate is Unkind! *weeps*

I got Comment 33,333 at the legendary Larian KS for D:OS
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Location: Germany
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Location: Germany
You can call me evil, but the first rhyme which came to my mind was very nasty..... silly

You Larian guys are some really bad boys....I like that.... cheer

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Joined: Apr 2005
Nice, but I like to make a shorter one smile

Hail my friends, it�s Bellegar!
Ready for a tale bizarre?
Met a girl out on the hunt
Who said to me she know a stunt:
"Look long enough into my eyes,
Then think about all the lies
You've in your mad Mind to fool us deep!
As you've asked: here's The Wheresheep!"

On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin,
it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
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Location: Germany
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Location: Germany
Originally Posted by Rod Lightning

"she had a lovely cu-

Ehh, I give up <.<

No offense to the ladies, but that was the first thing that popped into my head too. lol


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Oh wherefore art thou Bellegar!
Are you near or are you far,
From the origins of your tales,
That fly past time on horse and sails,
To someplace in Rivellon, where you now reside,
That you would not be by our side,
And gambol gaily in your stride,
When all about you, foes have died,
And cried aghast at your atrocious might,
That would stain our sides and eyes make bright,
Oh Bellegar, I hope thou art not too far,
For we shall light a candle, and leave the door ajar.

Fear not my friends, I�m never lost,
But merely have been calculating costs,
In interim at my promotions firm,
For soon the whole wide world must learn
The might and splendour of Bellegar
The one, the only, greatest mage by far,
Soon to amaze and dazzle you,
With magic tricks and rhyming too,
That spins your head in rapturous awe,
Of my arcane arts and knowledge of lore,
So do not fret and do not fear,
My time of glory is drawing near,
As through time and space I shall deign to bring,
A surprise for you, I know just the thing,
So head on to my facebook page,
For every thousand likes increase my time on stage,
You can�t fail to like me, this much is true,
What else on earth would you have to do?

"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig
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Location: Spain
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Location: Spain
I would really like to make my contribution to this thread, but my english skills are... limited xD

Maybe some day I will dare to share my Bellegar soul with all of you wink

Joined: Apr 2013
Joined: Apr 2013
I hope you do Zerael smile

Last edited by Robcat; 26/04/13 04:28 AM.

"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig
Joined: Apr 2013
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Listen up and listen well
For I have quite the tale to tell
Of how I bested a ferocious dragon
While half-asleep on the back of a wagon
Which travelling south near Aleroth
Nestled the hopes of a merchant in silk and cloth
And myself at ease upon that perch
Dozing fitfully despite all the bumps and lurch

From whence it came, for what and why
I do not know, my best guess the sky
But came it did come hurtling down
To block out the sun, causing me to frown
And wake to raise a quizzical eye
And hear the merchant�s strangled cry
Just in time to greet a ravenous maw
Poised open to let forth a fiery roar

Now perhaps this wyrm had heard of my might
And so come seeking to test its mettle in a fight
In any event I thought it best not to be gentle
And immediately summoned an earth elemental
Within to plug the beast�s wide gaping jaws
Which caused an explosion deserving quite some applause
As bits of dragon came raining down
Like a bloody symphony to my renown

And so I lay back upon my silken nest
To once again enjoy my rest
And if you ever hear otherwise
Do not believe them, they are telling lies
It was certainly a dragon and not a cow
The correct response is not what? but wow!
And to marvel at the greatest mage by far
For �tis but one of the tales of Bellegar

"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig
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Now here�s a tale to make you weep
My encounter with a demonic sheep!
Or so I thought until it spoke
And through my magical defences broke
To bend my mind unto its whims
And thus so enchanted partake of its sins
Oh, never did I think I would live to see
Such a creature as could teach Bellegar humility.

It happened one day out in the woods
I was gathering herbs and other such goods
When on the next rise this creature appeared
And minding me not it approached then neared
Until so close into my eyeballs gazed
Then woe to the gods for I felt afraid
Yet stood my ground with magics ready
And with custom aplomb kept my hands quite steady.

The beast was fluffy grey and most intensely becoming
With arching horns of amber hue, it was really quite something
Those eyes, oh those eyes, I remember them well
Yet couldn�t say if I was gazing into heaven or into hell
And so struck there dumb, marvelling at what appeared a sheep
I soon felt all a daze as if I�d fallen deep asleep
Dreaming strangely the sensation of being drawn and stretched
Towards some unknown thing called a �credit card�, that it needed fetched.

And so began a journey across both space and time
Too unbelievable for recounting, far too epic for me to rhyme
Even to a bizarre dimension, called a �Face Book�, of all things
Where I mingled like a peasant with some other hirelings
All just to fulfil the desires of this irresistible dire sheep
Yet to this very day I wonder if I hadn�t simply dreamed it in my sleep
Though one thing that I�ve learnt and that I know to be true
Is beware the Weresheep, or next it will be you.

"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig
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Oh woeful creature, so sick and twisted
How I wish I never knew that you�d even existed
Would that I could slay the last of all your wretched kind
And then try to erase all vestiges of you from my mind

Oh Commercialasaur, the bane of lore!
Concerned with nothing other than sex and gore
You plague a myriad realms with your pustulent puke
And care not for what matters or for scathing rebuke

Your lust for gold is getting old, and leads you down a narrow track
That�s yet broad and beaten and over-eaten, and does not care to look back
You�d publish your own excrement if you think that it�d sell
While condemning the lands you shit on to a bland and boggy hell

Oh harbinger of hype, and agent of decline
Forcing picking of the fruit before it�s ripened on the vine
You detestable, indigestible, dorito mountain dew infested swine
One day I hope it shall be YOU who has to pay for all your crimes

Yet your reign of soulless terror is quickly loosening its hold
As kicks to our hearts have fuelled our hopes and start to grow us bold
So once more that we might fly upon the wings of all our dreams
That lift us into heaven, and shed the need for memes

But are you even now extinct in our fair Rivellon
I pray we never see your likes here again, to you I say begone!
And do not try to touch us, lest your hearts grow pure and true
Just let us see how great we might be, and what Larian can do

For what may come from such freedom, as to fly above your reach
The wealth of history�s triumphs might have much for us to teach,
To new horizons, heights and features, and of long-forgotten things
The beautiful wonder of imagination... to see what it will bring

"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig
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Let me tell you of the time I chanced upon a most unusual farm
Set picturesque amongst an orchard, I did not anticipate any harm
As I strolled along its well worn path, seeking shelter for the night
Between dappled rays of the setting sun, afore it slipped from sight
In such easy mood recalled the day, of how I came so far
And now to grace the farmers� table, with the fame of Bellegar
And so then to the door and knock, my entrance to portend
The sound reverberated all throughout, as is its way to wend

Yet no answer for the moment, the next and yet another still
So on tippy-toes I leant across and peeked up through the window sill
To behold a rather curious sight, as I come across now and then
For sitting at the kitchen table was a pair of skeletons
All decked in farmer�s garb and pose, and each sporting quite the grin
I wondered what fate had befallen these, was it curse or was it sin?
The origin of undead farmers, and very successful or so I reckoned
As then one of them spotted me, and with bony hand did beckon

Well I would not refuse a welcome, so I strode within if rather wary
�T was not like I�d face a horde of zombie cows, this was an orchard, not a dairy
And indeed my hosts proved generous, with apple cider, stew and pie
Apple everything and everywhere, I did not deem it polite to enquire why
That they did not partake of dinner, although they cooked it all the same
Communication was rather a bother frankly, they even showed no recognition of my name
Yet seemed to understand me, as they showed me to where I might rest
I even took a little mulled apple wine, at their skeletal behest

Such jolly, hospitable folk thought I, as I turned in to my bed
Finer hosts you would not find, though not the most talkative it must be said
And so I woke to apple porridge, chutney, jam, cake and other delights
It would seem my gracious hosts had been up cooking all the night
With no need of sleep perhaps, their labour could be unending more or less
Besides I suspect they get few visitors, call it a hunch or call it a guess
As they even seemed remiss to let me go, though grinned as they waved goodbye
When I set out upon my path once more, to greet a clear an endless sky

"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig
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Location: Soviet Empire
I hereby request Belegarrete concept art. Anya artist around? >->

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It could be funny if Bellegar really had writer's block in the game, and you could help him out by suggesting some whacky rhymes. Maybe he's trying to impress a lady or preparing for some kind of poetry slam, and depending on what you suggest, he will either achieve his goal, win the contest or make an utter fool of himself. Some glorious defeat might even explain why he became how he was in DKS. Or the player characters enter a contest against him, can defeat him with their rhymes and push him over the edge.

I know this means a lot of work for the writers (and probably is a nightmare for the localization teams), but it's also a great opportunity both for humour and for expanding on the backstory of a well-known character.

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Originally Posted by Kein
I hereby request Belegarrete concept art. Anya artist around? >->

I can only imagine how many will scream blue murder if there's any skin shown in the concept art >.>

Look it stands to reason...You can't eat 'cos you don't have a stomach!
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Redrum, redrum, redrum... wink

I got Comment 33,333 at the legendary Larian KS for D:OS
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