Joined: Aug 2008
If there is a button to assing stats or skills automatically in the RPG's you play, do you use it ?
Last edited by Larian_QA; 20/12/12 06:51 PM.
Joined: Aug 2011
Of course not 
Joined: Dec 2009
No. It might be sometimes nice to have one, but on a regular basis, no.
Joined: Aug 2009
Nope. This is my game and I'm gonna play it!
Joined: Apr 2011
Not usually but I did for the mass effect games because I couldn't be arsed with assigning stats in those games. Mass Effect games are not really RPG's as such in my opinion. RPG's such as Divinity I spend time assigning stats etc to my play style / character.
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A couple times I've hit the button just to see what the game would do, then cancelled and assigned the points myself. Auto level may work in a game if it is based on the skills you use the most, but if there are actual points to distribute, an pre-set build is generally not going to be as good a fit with a particular character / equipment / playstyle as a custom distribution.
Joined: Jan 2009
Not a doubt in my mind: Manual point assignment, every single time.
I have more control over what I want my character's strengths to be if I assign points manually. I can see gear on shelves and in stores and plan ahead to try and get it as soon as possible if I assign things manually, and if things aren't working out so well, I can change what I'm doing if I am assigning points manually.
Joined: Sep 2011
No. Even with the auto-assign features I don't use them. Granted, I did use them once in the game NWN for my first character.
You aren't by any chance, planning to ask us if we would like an "auto-finish the game" feature are you?
Joined: Jan 2012
As long as assigning differently will highly determine your character's path, there's no need for this button. What I don't want to see is an excessive amount of skillpoints like in FOV, whenever a skillbook was found I had the idea "just another one to add to the collection", while at the beginning of ED skillpoints were so scarse I'd do anything to gain more.
Joined: Jan 2005
Never use it,I prefer to assign them myself. It's ME i'm building!
Joined: Jul 2012
Very rarely. Sometimes I'll use it if I don't know what stats are explicitly good for my race/class. If I'm just trying a game out and don't want to invest a lot of time I'll use it. That's about it.
Joined: May 2009
Never use it, but also wouldn't bother me if it was present for those who do like it.
Joined: Mar 2003
I wonder if other audiences would react differently ? I wonder if Action-RPG lovers would auto-assign the stats, especiaklly when they play a rather loot-centric game here the stats are heavily influenced by boni given by armor/equipment ? I don't kow. I just wonder. I played Blizzard's games to a part through, and thre wasn't really much to to think of (stats-wise, that is). Theier games were rather about items influencing and shaping the character and his/her stats, imho. Edit : That said, it also depends on the audience : I really don't believe/think that within an old school game which attracts a rather old school audience (so to say  ) such a button would be used much. Especially the older gamer generations still rave about the character shaping possibilities of the NLT  (last seen on the RPGWatch  ).
Last edited by AlrikFassbauer; 28/12/12 05:44 PM.
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Joined: Apr 2005
No way ! I wish to spend statpoints MYSELF !
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Joined: Dec 2012
I prefer to assign stats myself. While I like the idea of the option being there, I'd much rather put the points where I think they should go. One of the things I didn't like about Diablo 3 was that stats were allocated by the game, and it felt like I had less control because of that.
Joined: Dec 2012
Of course not. That's my character and I want to customize it as I see fit. Won't even try that out of curiosity, just to see what it'd do and cancel it afterwards.
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Joined: Oct 2009
Nope, I wouldn't use it either. Please have a nice and accurate description beside each stat explaining what consequences they have on the gameplay, perhaps a simplified version as standard, which could be changed to a detailed view as standard in the game options, like so : SIMPLE CONSTITUTION - impacts your : - health - stamina - resistance to disease - resistance to poison - prevents from being knocked back/down at higher levels - ...
(I'm making up stuff here as I write, obviously)
DETAILED CONSTITUTION - per constitution point, adds : - 3 health points up to 18 consitution, only 1 point beyond - 5 stamina points up to 18 constituion, only 3 points beyond - 1 disease resistance - 2 poison resistance - a 1/2 of its value as bonus to an opposing knockback roll
A high constitution also has the hidden effect of avoiding getting headaches when the sky drops on someone's head.
(You might even have charts here)
(Once again, I completely made this up, and needlessly complex on purpose)
That's all I would ask for in matters of a chargen stat distribution screen.
Joined: Dec 2012
Oh yeah, descriptions like that would sure be nice.
"We're all humans." Let's try to be more! "The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race." "If you're falling off a cliff you may as well try to fly, you've got nothing to lose."
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2004
never ever. i.e, YUCK!!!! -- Yes the interface I like is when you move the mouse over the name of anything (like stat) it shows in a small pop up below the mouse what the thing is (this can be stat; but also bonuses on weapons and so forth). I forget which game had this sort of thing implemented but it was quite nice and useful. The key thing is to make sure the pops up don't occur when you don't want them and do not obstruct the interface. Clicking on the stat is another way to do it but i found it nice to just move the mouse over it and wait a second.
Last edited by meme; 03/01/13 02:30 PM.
Joined: Sep 2012
I would NEVER USE IT MYSELF, but then again most people gaming today didn't grow up playing games like wizardry V, ultima VI and fallout (the original, honest to god, isometric turn based rpg)
It might motivate a few casual gamers to continue playing on a default template build...
but the old-school gamers who will be the primary target, will buy your game anyway if they know about it...
Although if Larian wants to market this to casual gamers (which I doubt cause in the blog it was mentioned that ultima was the inspiration. Ultima vi is so old school that I can't really finish a play-thru now, but have fond memories of them.).... this would be great for them. the guy specializes in tanky melee combat and 2 elements with stats to support, and the girl in two elements and ranged/sneaky combat, the casual players could invest more time in item fever rather than tactical/efficient character builds.
On a side note, larian, whatever you do, (regarding implementing features like controller support/auto levelup) please dont dilute Original Sin's gameplay/story/ui to make it more casual friendly. IF giving an option is too much of a work/headache, then just don't implement it. (Although I would be really pissed if D:OS doesn't include a mini-map/quest-log etc)
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