Just wanted to drop in and say that I'M more active on RPGWatch & in the (quite unpleasant) SWTOR forums ...
Within the SWTOR forums, people argue in an quite harsh manner ... I wonder whether this is so with all RPGs ?
And the usual stuff ... Eliticists, both on the sides of PvP & PvE ... gear requirements for raids ... people argueing over class balance ... And I've learned a new term : "L2P". Ands "squishy". But I knew that before.
I was witness to see the new meme of "heal to full" arise there (a bad, bad wording in one answer to a question of an "class representative" led to this - it basically said that "damage classes" could not heal to full, and that the squishy "Sage" / "Sorceror" healer class should "make them pay for attacking you" - which isn't that easy, because they are squishy in the ffirst place ...)
If someone was studying sociology : These forums are THE perfect place to see all of the internet "soacial frwaking" come into one place ! It is simply astonishing, how people behave in the internet - the prospect of sheer anonymity lets them do things they would never ever do in public !
It's frightening to see how much humanity can degenerate in internet forums.
And the worst of that I have seen is something they call "forums PvP2 and/or "trash talk" - euphemisms for bullying, insulting, bad-mouthing of the worst kind. Hooliganism, so to say. Especially driven by PvP players.
Eliticism comes in a lot of flavours :
- those who have the Collector's Edition demanding more goods being sold by the in-game CE vendor
- raiders who are doing everything undergeared in the first place - and then, when they've "cleared content", they often include "gear requirements, without which they are simply not accepting people
- people sticking to their "closed circles" aka guilds. They are not PUGging at all, due to both prejudice and/or bad expetiences (PUG = "pick-up-group", meaning that people are randomly put into such a group by the so-called "group finder") - both in existence for PvE & PvP
- PvP players who claim themselves to be superior - and the 99 % of all other players are simply called "[the] bads"
- Progress Raiding : World Leaderboards, and "I am the first !" groups who loudly state in the forums that they've "content cleared" a part, or defeated a special beast / enemy - it's like defloration of MMO content. "I am the first !" or "We are the first ones !"
Seemingly MMOs generate a high tendency towards elitism.
Personally, I've become angry and biased as well : My personal impression of the SWTOR "class stories" are, that the "evil" faction of the "Empire" ( remember, this is 3000 years before Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader ! ) are much better, had more free space to fill, and are in general much more creative than their "Republic" counterparts. The sheer design of both of their main hubs (simply called "the fleet"), which are huge space stations, were summed up by me in these words :
"The Empire has style; the Republic has advertisements."
And that's how it looks like. The Empire's designs are very good, because they indeed create that "fascist regime" feeling of the Star Wars movies - only with much, much more red added (as a "design colour".
The Republic just has lots of colourful advertisements, but apart from that, their space station is not coloured white (which one could perhaps expect in contrast to the blacxk-red-white design of the Imperial space station) - no, it is mud-brown, to put it mildly. "Shit-brown", to put it down with more vitriol.
If I'll ever quit SWTOR, then it's because of my bias - which is, b the way, supported by TVTRopes :
"Good is boring" :
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoodIsBoring"Evil is cool" :
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilIsCoolBioware - as I put it - "totally fell into the pit of these tropes", so to say. They totally became prey of them. And in my opinion, it shows.
The best class story is that of the "Imperial Agent", everyone says (I can't say, because I'm not playing imperial classes, because I just can't stand this "evilness" - and therefore have created only one Bounty Hunter, who is connected to the Empire, but still a relatively free person).
The republic stories are all very dull - that's my personal, biased view - at least within chapter 1. Only the conclusion of chapter 1 is good - the rest is not.
The class stories - which are said NOT to be extended in the future - consist of 3 chapters - with the chapters 2 & 3 being considerably shorter than the first one. Even the Prologue is VERY long.
Instead, they are planning to do rather "planet stories".
Okay, that's it for now. I fear that my writing here somewhat reflects my own frustration with SWTOR - for story players, it is great, but it has the great disadvantage that itis an MMO. With all of this hack & slay involved.
And, last : Polgara one day contacted me through the forums.

She is on the server called "T3-M4", and her in-game name is "Eandrae". Her forum name sounds a bit differently, but I don't think that I should give it away here. Contact me if you want to learn it.