Wow, so many threads active at once! Can't say I saw that many new users in the last ~1.5 years I watched this forum. It's a good thing though. There's so many new ones I'm just gonna post this little reply for today.
Heard the 300k has been reached, bravo! There's a whole bunch of good people at Larian studios who deserve that many support. For those who lost the link, here's where they're currently heading for (right now appr > $1000 000) so whatever you did to get the internet funding, it worked! (read: "we want more! more!")
It's gonna be a great eastern holidays for fans of rpg!
Also, don't forget the guys on DC. They should be shipping in less than 3 months. They're doing quite well, just a few gameplay tweaks and higher bits/bugs rate, and voilŕ! We'll have the best Belgian game in years!
Last thing, thanks for the new wallpaper. And the new avatars, but I believe it'be a sin not to stick with the original one

Damn I'm in such a good mood tonight!