Joined: Mar 2003
Someone posted a link to this video in a GOG forum topic: female armour sucks.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2004
I can understand how in practice female armour sucks; and it might even offend some but as a guy I gotta admit that often it is quite charming.
Joined: Mar 2013
I'd like to have different clothing for different environments.
When the protagonists go to battle, they should wear armor that is more or less realistic battle armor. Something in between the two extremes from the first picture in this thread. Armor that leaves body parts unprotected should have a lower armor rating. Armor that is too heavy should give some penalties elsewhere.
But I think it would be nice if the protagonists could wear different clothing in non-combat situation. For example in Mass Effect 3, the main protagonist is wearing casual clothes when he/she's on board of the ship, or even in some side missions in Casinos and stuff. For not to this too complex, I would just let the player decide which clothes/armor the protagonists wear in any situation, preventing change only in combat.
Last edited by Morrandir; 27/03/13 03:15 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Does anyone else notice the irony in someone not backing/buying the game because of how it looks (the cover-art) and failing to see the quality of the game within?
"Love one another and you will be happy. It's as simple and as difficult as that" - Leunig
Joined: Jan 2009
Ha ha, good point.
I like the cover art as well, the white and grey (with red) is a simplicity of design that seems more elegant than splashing it with hundreds of colours. I would not object though, if they make a version that gives Scarlett some clothes that covers her up a bit better.
Joined: Mar 2013
Well... first of all females can’t fight like mans. They have thinner bones, lower lungs, different distribution of body fat (in hips instead of in the rumen), and most are less strong. So they are anatomically distinct and that is a good thing, because of these differences is that we like them. Consequently they could not wield a sword or wear armor as well as men and in a real war they should be in magic or archer role than front warrior. But this is a game and here they can fight and carry armors more or less like a man. And in a game bikinis armors are more attractive than tank armor, (even for women players as they say me in multiple times!), because if we chose a female character is because we are willing to see differences. I personally play female characters to see a nice butt instead a huge man’s sweaty butt... I know that in real life those kinds of armors are impossible. But does a man killing enemy after enemy with healing potions equally impossible? And if we can heal ourselves why the enemies doesn't the same? Etc. Again, this is a game, not real life, mans and women do impossible things, and art must prevail over reality. This is a great idea which rely on a successful publication. ![[Linked Image]](http://www.gwthomas.org/frozen2.jpg)
Last edited by Destello; 02/04/13 11:08 PM.
Joined: Mar 2013
I don't like "fanservice", no for high heels and bikini "armours" etc. No matter what class, I'd like to equip my characters with somewhat realistic, serious looking armours, hope that will be possible, thank you.
Btw. OP you could add a poll to this topic.
Last edited by Kell Aset; 03/04/13 12:12 PM.
Joined: Aug 2009
There is difference between fanservice and aesthetics. Lighting from FFXIII series or female armor in D2 - this is design choice, aesthetics. Thin bikini with revealed pantsu in Lineage 2 - fanservice. There is a very distinctive difference, too bad not everyone able to understand -- and appreciate-- it.
Joined: Mar 2003
The armour is realistic in D:OS. Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: Apr 2010
Nice to see Larian having a bit of fun over a topic that is life or death on other game forums. For me, I like a balance of realism and aesthetics, something that shows a woman to be a woman but doesn't leave half her midriff exposed.
Joined: Jan 2008
I think there should be a variety of armors and styles. Bikini armor for those who want and can pretend at having magical shielding and full on big plate for those who prefer the full look and everything inbetween and even mix and match (lower in full plate and top bikini!). I love customisability in armors and the more options the better and the more types of item...rings, necklaces, earrings, tattoos, magic hair, magic skin, nail polish, makeup, armor, gauntlets/gloves/handwraps, hats/headgear, boots/shoes, pants/leggings/skirts/shorts, bodysuits, shoulderpads/guards, armbands, garters and more and all with attributes. Of course balance of the game has to be priority so if some were attribute free and just for customisation that could be okay too.
Joined: Jan 2009
It hasn't been changed everywhere yet, but the graphic on the front of the Kickstarter page now has the female character in midriff-covering armour, while keeping the same feel of the original cover.
Joined: Sep 2011
It hasn't been changed everywhere yet, but the graphic on the front of the Kickstarter page now has the female character in midriff-covering armour, while keeping the same feel of the original cover. But now she won't be as mobile! Disaster...
Joined: Apr 2013
It hasn't been changed everywhere yet, but the graphic on the front of the Kickstarter page now has the female character in midriff-covering armour, while keeping the same feel of the original cover. But now she won't be as mobile! Disaster... I don't see her bellybutton any more. That's the REAL disaster...
Joined: Apr 2013
It hasn't been changed everywhere yet, but the graphic on the front of the Kickstarter page now has the female character in midriff-covering armour, while keeping the same feel of the original cover. Yup, the only bad thing about the change is they gave in to public pressure  (personally I like it better this way, then again, pretty much my favourite RPG armours so far must be the plate sets from DA:O) PS. I wish you redirected Facebook to here and not the other way around, I can't find any of the discussion on that website.
Last edited by theBlackDragon; 09/04/13 08:09 PM.
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Couldn't Larian have given the male a loin cloth instead?
Joined: Aug 2009
Nobody complains about Kratos' firm outfit.
Joined: Jan 2009
Because the guy doing the artwork secretly dreams of being a fashion designer in Milan. Loincloths are so not in this year. Ssh, don't tell.
Joined: Mar 2013
It sure would have been fun to 'swap' the armors. I wonder if there would have been more complaints.
Joined: Apr 2013
Can somebody please close this topic? Never feed the trolls.... 
Last edited by LordCrash; 10/04/13 12:46 PM.
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian