Dwelfusius , WooS Reprezent! just now

@larian,swen,david,whoever is out there

why not create an add-on/surplus/whatever it is called for some sort of low budget fan day, even post launch..a bring your own picnic/cold pasta salad whatever,see there's an open bar or democratic prices and music and we support you guys now but ofc more than what it would actually cost..now the only fan day is from 1500$ and I'm sure there are a lot of people willing to contribute for a chance of getting to see you guys,maybe get a pic or things signed.. If i had 1500$ to spare i would, but i just can't..Or "sell" some in house alfa/beta testing opportunity..

Would be so cool

"Dwelfusius | Were-axlotl of Original Sin"

Hardcorus RPGus PCus Extremus