Joined: Aug 2009
Joined: Apr 2013
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I only coincidentally ended up here because I heard about Divinity - Dragon Commander just a while ago which woke my interest, but I've never used kickstarter before.
Am I understanding this right; By donating 65$ via this kickstarter campaign, I get both Dragon Commander and Original Sin when they're released? Sounds like a pretty great deal, less like a donation than a buy1get2 bargain. Almost too good to be true, that's why I'm asking for confirmation here before jumping at the offer.
Joined: Aug 2011
You get TWO copies of D:OS and one copy of DC for 65$ 
Joined: Apr 2011
Cool, pledged $65, seems you just get the activation code emailled to you when released and you just download from Steam or GOG using the code supplied in the email.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame! Arokh's Lair - Drakan & Severance: Blade of Darkness forums - https://www.arokhslair.net
Joined: Apr 2013
You get TWO copies of D:OS and one copy of DC for 65$ Even better, then! Donation done, I hope everything will work out fine, both games look pretty promising.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2010
Nice. Hopefully it reaches $1000,000. I think I'll need to back it with $65 as the reward sounds nice. Would be the first Kickstarter project that I do back.
Also time to step up the marketing, forum users! Bellegar being part of it gives even more cause to do so. Let's see if we can fulfill his requests because the more Bellegar there is in Original Sin then the better.
Last edited by Demonic; 09/04/13 03:45 PM.
Joined: Aug 2011
If I understand correctly, if larian fb page have (for example) 4 000 likes, then we will have 4 encounters with Bellegar in D:OS?
Or the first 1000 likes (before this last update) doesn't count?
Last edited by Sawovsky; 09/04/13 04:19 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
If I understand correctly, if larian fb page have (for example) 4 000 likes, then we will have 4 encounters with Bellegar in D:OS?
Or the first 1000 likes (before this last update) doesn't count? I think they should count.. quite sure. Doubt they can check how much likes they had before they posted update 10 :P
 Butler at WoOS - Weresheeps unite!
Joined: Jan 2008
" Regarding unsolicited comments posted on a Kickstarter project Dwelfusius-Weresheeplama of Original Sin Apr 09 13:42 Hi there, Nice to meet you. I'm writing because we noticed you posting unsolicited comments on other projects about another project. Our Guidelines ( http://www.kickstarter.com/help/community) specify this kind of activity as spam, and it is not permitted. Due to your inability to comply with our guidelines, your privileges to certain features on Kickstarter have been revoked. If you agree to comply with our guidelines going forward, they will be restored. We take our guidelines very seriously; please take a minute to read through them. Appreciate your attention. Best, Kickstarter " wtf? except on the original sin i posted maybe 5 or 6 comments in total of 3 other projects, always checking there hadn't been any D:OS promo for atleast a certain time or more than a page..today i posted something in a non rpg thing and bam i'm banned..i see people posting things in D:OS ks all the time, but not spamming, just hey check this out, it might interest you if you like these kinds of games..pff..not cool KS edit: aha restored
Last edited by dwelfusius; 09/04/13 08:50 PM.
"Dwelfusius | Were-axlotl of Original Sin"
Hardcorus RPGus PCus Extremus
Joined: Jan 2009
Were you "dlux Weresheepbat of Original Sin"? If so, I can kinda see why they did that. That does look a little like spam. They did say that if you agree to the guidelines, your privileges could be restored.
Joined: Apr 2013
Hey Larian, congratz on reaching your first goal! But I'm quite sad that the 65$ Dragon Commander + Original Sin reward is only for Kickstarters.  I'm german and like many others in this country, I don't own a credit card (because we use bank cards and PayPal and stuff). I see many other Tiers for PayPal-Users, but why not the one with Dragon Commander? Both games look AWESOME AS HELL and two Divinity Codes would be great for co-op with my girlfriend, so, yeah, it's like the perfect package for 65$. There's no chance you will make this one possible for PayPal User, right? ;(
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2010
I think Rich Space Man complained to Kickstarter for dwelf posting that comment...
Joined: Apr 2013
I think Rich Space Man complained to Kickstarter for dwelf posting that comment... Haha quite possible....
Joined: Apr 2003
Glad to see you made it. Upped my pledge from 65$ to 115$. The original amount felt a bit like stealing honestly  ... Although the fan day does sound pretty fun for a long time fan like me!
Joined: Jan 2008
Were you "dlux Weresheepbat of Original Sin"? If so, I can kinda see why they did that. That does look a little like spam. They did say that if you agree to the guidelines, your privileges could be restored. nope was not dlux..was thinking the same thing, if that was me i'ld have understood but now i really didn't..So i'm guessing i just ticked somebody off :s I was Dwelfusius weresheeplama of original sin
Last edited by dwelfusius; 09/04/13 09:56 PM.
"Dwelfusius | Were-axlotl of Original Sin"
Hardcorus RPGus PCus Extremus
Joined: Sep 2011
Hey Larian, congratz on reaching your first goal! But I'm quite sad that the 65$ Dragon Commander + Original Sin reward is only for Kickstarters.  I'm german and like many others in this country, I don't own a credit card (because we use bank cards and PayPal and stuff). I see many other Tiers for PayPal-Users, but why not the one with Dragon Commander? Both games look AWESOME AS HELL and two Divinity Codes would be great for co-op with my girlfriend, so, yeah, it's like the perfect package for 65$. There's no chance you will make this one possible for PayPal User, right? ;( I don't know why, but I could use a debit card. The account was linked in my amazon account. Is there any disadvantage doing this kind of thing? EDIT: Like Destello, I'm also spreading the news. Pinoyexchange D:OS MF D:OS OS D:OS
Last edited by henryv; 10/04/13 02:04 AM.
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: Apr 2013
Hey Larian, congratz on reaching your first goal! But I'm quite sad that the 65$ Dragon Commander + Original Sin reward is only for Kickstarters.  I'm german and like many others in this country, I don't own a credit card (because we use bank cards and PayPal and stuff). I see many other Tiers for PayPal-Users, but why not the one with Dragon Commander? Both games look AWESOME AS HELL and two Divinity Codes would be great for co-op with my girlfriend, so, yeah, it's like the perfect package for 65$. There's no chance you will make this one possible for PayPal User, right? ;( Larian cut the "Donate" buttons for some of the tiers for now because there were some problems with the correct charging. Swen said that the problem should be solved today/tomorrow.
Last edited by LordCrash; 10/04/13 02:15 AM.
Joined: Sep 2011
@LC I thought you're already asleep 
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: Sep 2011
congratulations, time sure flies. I got back to the forum and the kickstarter is already a success.
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