I thought KoA was awful. It wasn't the controls; I just didn't enjoy the structure of the game. It felt like a series of tacked on events. Go here do this go there do that but i never felt like i was part of a story.
There were a few bugs; mostly clipping and related to boss fights; and while the bugs were very annoying they were restricted to a very small portion of the game. Having played it I would not buy the game a second time or recommend the game to folks who have not played it.
I liked dragon age; though the combat was kind of lame but the story/presentation was great. I was one of the few who did not think dragon age 2 was a total bust. The only thing I absolutely hated about dragon age 2 was the constant reuse of very small areas - there were other aspects of the game I disliked but i would give it a 6.5 (where KOA was a 4 and dragon age origin was an 8) for folks who like numbers. DKS was by far the best of the bunch during that period. Another couple of sleeper I played during that period that i truely enjoyed was king bounty legend and just before space rangers 2.
Anyways it is some what unfortunate to Larian (since they started ahead of the curve) but this is the year (not calandar year) of the TBS rpg. At least 8 are comming out next 18 months after such a long draught and most of them look promising.
Seems like the only thing missing is Wizardry 9.
Last edited by meme; 09/04/13 07:44 AM.