[rant on]
I was delighted when i found out, that larian makes a kickstarter. thus i backed it instantly, since i already knew their work from all other games.

But these discussions about women and their clothing/body or whatever is starting to wear me down and now i find out larian did not only self-censor D:OS but also Dragon Commander..

It hurts me to the bones that they would do such a thing, compromising their integrity, just to please a minotiry, most of whom probably wont even buy a/the game. As a result of this i will probably not back another kickstarterproject nor buy any other game . it will not be a big change, the last few years i only played some very special chosen games. and i guess most devs/publisher can live without one buyer. but i am guessing there will be more that feel this way soon.

well with this i am off. goodbye
[rant off]