Bring back the skimpy Women Larian!!! I don’t play games to see realistic ideas or accurate depictions of life, I play life to see such things, and I personally believe you should not censor yourselves in any way...

Also I read somewhere that Sven thought one day he would have to defend this game, and even though I haven’t played it yet, tell him to call me when that day comes because I would proudly stand by him and defend why a particular dwarf looks like a certain billionaire with a toupe, or why one of the princesses wears a skimpy outfit, because this game is artwork, some people might see it as frames or code, but I see it as a painting and like a painting it should express what the person, or people whom painted it wanted it too, so Larian Do what you will, I just ask you to remember why you became an independent studio, to free yourselves from the corporate collars that have imprisoned countless other devs before you, forcing micro transactions, censorship, and broader dumber gameplay into brilliantly done games…

In other words I ask you to remember what made you unique


Either way though I plan on buying this game on steam when its released, and hopefully the first thing I see is a nice bosom!