Joined: Apr 2013
My current wishlist (most important issues): + character, morality and background history for henchmen/companions (could react on player's actions) + more and even better dialogue options + more well-written quests + even more funny and interactive things to explore + even better world coherency and NPC reactivity + weresheep 
Last edited by LordCrash; 02/04/13 01:30 AM.
Joined: Apr 2013
I want CLOAKS and HOODS plz u cant make game without them they are just too awesome.
Joined: Apr 2013
Joined: Jun 2011
I want Cursed Abbey 2.0.
Masochistic and unforgiving.
Joined: Apr 2005
I want Cursed Abbey 2.0.
Masochistic and unforgiving. Me too !  Or a Castle to explore, a castle maked of Ice or in wood with a diep dungeon beneath the castle walls, but well hidden entrance to the dungeon ! But let's say some books and/or NPC's know a few things a dungeon exist, but where? That up to the player to discover and collect all the clues and bring them together to find out How to open a secret dungeon ... behind a wall of ice or whatever ... O sorrry, my fantasy take a loop with me
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Dec 2010
Maybe we will see Cursed Abbey before it was cursed?
Joined: Aug 2009
I want Cursed Abbey 2.0.
Masochistic and unforgiving. ![[Linked Image]](http://i.imgur.com/Fc7a433.jpg) That was one of the most atmospheric locations amongst all the RPGs I played. _
Joined: Apr 2013
So I'm new here (though I've been following the game almost since its announcement), and though I don't like to intervene on forums, I feel it's time to do so. The game is in an advanced state of development and we can reasonably give ideas without influencing the developers too drastically (fans might have good ideas, but I don't believe these ideas should systematically be followed, to preserve the identity of the game). This game have such potential, it would be an heresy not to share ideas. Who know, maybe it can help. A lot of ideas I wanted to share have already been proposed anyway, so I won't contribute much to the subject.
Here we go :
- Treasure hunts, with load of secrets, traps and powerful hidden skills (which could only be used once or twice a day, given their power).
- A Coliseum where you can fight powerful opponents (and, why not, other players). You could place bets on fight, establish rules (with penalties if they're infringed), recruit new henchmen, win rare items/skills, which could be part of a treasure hunt side quest. I guess you understood where the idea comes from (Final Fantasy).
- We don't know much about combats. When about to hit an enemy, do we know how much chances we have to hit it (in %) or is it an unknown parameter ? Are there different kinds of positionning (height), and can it influence the chances of hitting ? Can you use items during combats, and if yes can you give them to your partner while fighting ?
- You said there would be no mini-games (Project Update #9, I quote "(27 min) No mini-games. Lockpicking will be item based and dexterity based.". Will it be possible to design mini-games through the editor, or does it require a modification of the game coding ? Talking about the editor, I assume you can design your own combination of items with it, may they emanate from the Vanilla game or from mods, right ?
- I might have missed it somewhere, but is the magic only elemental ? Aren't there neutral spells ? I believe it would allow a much more creative content to provide us with non-elemental affiliated magics (I'm not only talking about the wizard but also the warriors/survivors, who can use Source magic as well)
- You said we can "sneak". How does it work ? Are there stealth sequences ? That would be awesome ! But then, how does it work ? NPCs have a radius of sight, right ? Of hearing as well I believe. Are there indications regarding this radius in-game, or do we need to guess it by ourselves ?
- The possibility to become a merchant, to develop a commercial empire. With your money, it could be interesting to help people... Or to become a tyrant, to corrupt people, buying real estate, to expel citizen not buying their rent... Ok, maybe it's too much. We're not playing a SimCity-like game after all. But the idea of doing something else with your money than just buying equipment should be considered in my opinion.
- J747L talked about the editor on page 2, to which you answered that "The way our story system is set up allows you to link as much levels as you want together and still put them together in one storyline". I might have misunderstood it, but does it means that 2 people can share their works and put it as a single campaign ? Ex: 2 or more people want to make a huge campaign, so they split the work. Person A works on the northern part of the map, person B works on the southern. Can they, at the end of the day, gather all what they've done into one single file ? If yes, how ? By "copy-pasting" everything that has been modified on a given scale ? If not, well that's definitely something I'd want to see in the editor.
- Stabbey pointed out the balance of the skills on page 3, I support this as well. Please don't give us skills "for beginners" that we will put aside by the end of the game because they're not powerful/useful anymore.
- Lurker, still on page 3, mentioned the possibility to spare ennemies, I must admit that would be awesome IF it has consequences.
- Kein on page 4 asked for a card game (taking the example of FF8, which I loved as well), I support this idea, it'd be cool to add such a side quest/activity, on the model of the good old FF VIII/FF IX where you had to hunt for cards. It wasn't just for the fun of dueling NPC, it also had a point since you could create rare items from them (though I must admit, I never did, I loved my cards too much to sacrifice them). If you don't want to make such a complex system, it's okay, but a simple card game system would be good anyway, since it would add a basis on which modders could work, if they want to make their own card game (be it another simple one or a more complex one on the model of FFs). Well, I'm thinking of the cards, but it doesn't mean another system of collectibles would not do the job. However, considering you've excluded the presence of mini-games, I guess it won't be taken into account.
- Still on the good ideas, the mistakes. Flixerflax talked a bit about it on page 5. I completely agree with him, there should not be errors which you could undo. You should have to deal with it, and progress despite your faults/behavior. The system of failure/success often ruin the fun of playing in my opinion, making you feel you have to complete the game in one single way.
- As for "boundaries", stressed by Arhu on page 5, on the example of Zelda, the idea is awesome, I truly wish it could be integrated but I don't think it reasonably could. Let me explain : In such games as Zelda/Metroid/Metroidvanias, you're not controlling an almighty being. You might be extremely powerful by the end of the game, for sure, even godlike, but it's really a deep-end achievement. Taking the example of Zelda, there's this rock you can't move. Link will need his gauntlets to lift it and throw the rock away, granting him the access to a new area. In Divinity, you're imbued with elemental powers since the beginning, though they might be "nerfed" and not deal much damage. There's a fire blocking the path ? You summon a rain. A rock ? Telekinesia. A tree ? Fire. You need to interact with a distant object ? Here's this long range spell/weapon. There aren't much situation in which you could reasonably be blocked by such trivial things, since you powers make you an almost godlike entity. So unless you put a huge obstacle on the path which your magic could not influence, I don't see how such an idea could be implemented on the world. If you can lift a moutain, what keep you from throwing a village in the ocean ? Now, I think it could be by-passed with objects somehow immuned to magic, but there need to be a solid explanation as to why there are such immunities. You can also play on space and time (dungeons-only, to keep the world free from these kind of... Drastic changes). Anyway, I'm not creative, if there can be plausible boundaries, I wouldn't spit at it.
Ok, enough for today.
P.S. : I almost forgot, big support for the Abbey 2.0 !
Last edited by Asyreon; 13/04/13 09:47 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
We should know at least an average chance to hit. If we are fighting a new type of opponent, we may not know enough to be given the actual chance to hit. You can use items during combat (loot, drop gold as a distraction for some types of opponents, etc). I don't know about giving another character items in combat, but normally you can just drag and drop an item onto a character's portrait to place something in their inventory. There are other forms of magic, like curses or warrior/survivor skills. Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: Apr 2013
For my part, I really liked Fallout 2, so I would like Divinity: Original Sin to take its very good parts:
.I know it's your second stretch goal, but I think it is really really important: A complete way to define traits, talents and skills. See Fallout 2: you have many choices, and that influence the way you play without making the game too difficult or too easy. Also each 4 levels you can pick an new talent that help a bit more to make your character better.
.Prevent the issue of leveling: I'm not sure I'm clear, but the issue of leveling (as in DKS) must be fought. In Fallout 2, I think there is no levelling issue because when you are skilled enough to use weapons correctly, you give your skill points to less useful attributes (but that attributes still are interesting). When your level goes up you have more HP, ... but the damages you do and your resistance are mostly the results of your weapon and your armor. Since you find the best weapons and armors with the main quests, the issue of leveling is prevented: A weak character that did the main quests can finish the game (maybe not the funniest way for example).
.Add several way to do quests: For example in Fallout 2, if you have a clever character you can convince people of doing things instead of you, not to fight, ... or you can do the quest by killing all ennemies. There is often an evil way and a good way that are quite different and that can lead to other quests.
.Have the ability to change the armor of your companions (you name them henchmen?) and their weapons. Also have some options to define the way they'll help you. If you can't change the armor of you companion, you know that he'll die at one moment so it's sad. They must also have the ability to use potions if you gave them in their inventory.
I know that you planned to do some of these in your stretch goals, but I deeply think that they are extremely important to make the game fun to play. For example in Fallout 2 you have pleasure to do again the game but with a stupid character or by playing evil, ...
If none of you played Fallout 2, then I advise you to have a look at it: see the way you can define your character and have a look at the solutions to see the extend of the influence of these choices on the quests (examples: 'if you have 8 in intelligence, you can also solve the quest by...', 'if you play a stupid character then that part will be quite different: ...', 'with 80% in science you can do ... with 125% in science you can do...') . Also have a look on the diffent way to solve the quests (evil/good/good but with not a very good result/...)
Good luck to make this game the best ever!
EDIT: So about leveling, in my mind it would be better to use skills point to diminish the chance of missing the target when sending a fireball and to diminish the use of mana, whereas the power of the fireball would be decided by the level of the spell you use (you find better spells when doing the main quests), instead of having the skill points that decide the power of your fireball.
Last edited by vebveb; 14/04/13 02:22 PM.
Joined: Nov 2009
A suggestion pilfered from youtube regarding the Larian Studios - update song.
quote by origosis
There needs to be a door in the back of some building. hidden in the middle of a city in the game. Or a village off the beaten path.. There is nothing that makes this door special. You cannot even open it, but if go up to it. and i mean as close as you can get to it.. you will faintly hear this song playing.. in game.
Joined: Apr 2013
A few more thoughts : - The possibility to merge two pieces of armor (or two weapons), provided they're of the same type, into a new one, which retain the skin of your choice between those two (you choose the stats as well). Ex: Armor A looks good, but has low stats. Armor B is not my type, but it has much better stats. I fuse Armor A & Armor B to get Armor C, which looks like Armor A, but with the better stats from Armor B. This way, you can play with your favorite armor/weapon without having to care for efficiency. - To put buckets on the head of NPCs to blind them, so as to rob them with absolute effectiveness. No... No ! Not the fireball, I'm kidding ! But, a joke about it would be cool. (For those who didn't understand here is an example of a bucketheaded NPC). - A duck of imperial wide. Because the time has come. Now it gets fancy. - A "Hardcore" (call it the way you want) difficulty, with hunger/thirst/rest to manage. And even your washing. I don't need to develop any further the concept of thirst/hunger/rest, it has already been made in other games, you got the idea. Hunger/Thirst = Less stamina, health, strength,... Not sleeping will make you slow, you'll often miss your target, your mind will be weakened, ... As for washing yourself, it's simple : The stinkier you are, the more agressive some NPCs will be toward you. You'd have a "Scent gauge", which would range from "Fresh flower" to "Olfactive nuisance". Basically, if you take a shower regularly and use fragrances, NPCs (humans mostly) will take time to talk with you, but should you "miss" your bath time twice and they'll start being hostile, walk/run away from you, chase you or hire an assassin. You can be such a problem for citizens that the "legitimized use of force" would be necessary to prevent further civil disorders. At the mean time, your smell can help you socialize with other races, such as dwarves, orcs, ... ...Or unlock scent-related interactions, whatsoever. For instance, you could be sneakier in a camp of orcs, but as furtive as an elephant in a city. - Something I've thought of, which sounded fun to me, would be a "Dread gauge". To sum it up, your character hide himself and start to terrorize the NPC/group he wants to attack (hurl things out of nowhere, scream, imitate a monster, no matter the artifice as long as you scare him). The more you scare him, the more you fill his "Dread gauge". Then you can decide whether to attack, once the first level of the gauge is attained, or to further play on his nerves. You then can jump next to him and yell "MOOOOO !" (Yes, like the cow !), making him run away from this location for two turns (or more depending on the filling of the gauge). Your partner can jump at the same time for a bonus debuff, such as a weakened mind/speed/whatever, or wait and jump to your foe a turn or two later, yelling "MOOOO !" as well (or "BAAAAAH !" for deeper panic) to extend the running away for a bonus turn. Now for the requirements, you must be perfectly stealthed. Should your mind game be discovered, and you're good for problems (a penalty of any kind, a warm and welcoming place in jail if your target was a citizen). The more you scare your target, the more paranoid will he turns, making him suspicious to anything, which will increase the difficulty of scaring him without being discovered. Do not expect hiding yourself in a barrel and rolling on the floor as if it was inconsequential. You can also choose not to attack your prey, but still yell "MOOOO !" at him and toy with him, out of sheer sadism, but beware of the consequences .
Last edited by Asyreon; 17/04/13 10:43 AM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Choosing the Main Characters Race.
It's a major bugbear of mine in Fantasy and Sci-Fi games that have other races, i don't want to play a human. I Just don't like playing as humans.
Joined: Apr 2013
I'd like to be able to change the skin color of my character, maybe make him or her brown or black, with hair options, possibly.
Joined: Apr 2013
As for me:
1)visible footsteps 2)panic - everytime an opponet(humans mostly) will be hit by a specific ability there will be a chance that he will start to panic, run around screaming and thus losing his fighting capabilities for a few turns
and most importantly:
3) additional reward for every backer(or every one that pledged enough to recieve the game) - an ability to change the appearance of currently worn armor and weapons into unique backer-only one. The pants and potion sound great but they look like something of one use only, whereas I think that backers would love to show off with awesome-looking armor or weapons.
Joined: Apr 2013
3) additional reward for every backer(or every one that pledged enough to recieve the game) - an ability to change the appearance of currently worn armor and weapons into unique backer-only one. The pants and potion sound great but they look like something of one use only, whereas I think that backers would love to show off with awesome-looking armor or weapons.
Tbh, I'm against the idea. The bonus rewards (and cheaper prices) from Kickstarter are more than enough to me, and I think it'd be unfair to widen the gap between us and normal customers.
Joined: Apr 2013
1 A armor of dark gods and a two handed flanged mace of evil and a quest chain associated with the 2. 2 A lot of bio-diversity i like hunting big game and crafting armor from monster and beast hides and bones, animals should hunt to and do other things not sit and wait :P. 3 The power of the great lich unlimited necromantic knowledge. 4 A series of quests for a take over of the under world from the current Satan. 5 Sit on Satan's throne singing "The devil is a loser and hes my #$%!^. 6 Enslave all of those pesky tree huging elves! 7 A tall foreboding tower in the swamp, where i can make freaky experiments on living subjects. 8 Build a powerful mercenary unit to collect taxes from all my conquered lands. 9 Open a portal to a unknown world and throw a undead dragon in it  . And a lot more "EVIL" things 
Death and glory!
Joined: Jul 2012
I want to see a stronghold/fortress assault with a bunch of NPC's fighting each other and you helping them out (or not). Like your avatars could be the designated special forces unit during a siege to assist in the most endangered points...
I just love stuff like that!
Look it stands to reason...You can't eat 'cos you don't have a stomach!
Joined: Apr 2013
Stronghold 1, Stronghold Crusader, Stronghold 2 and 3 awesome games. RELEASE THE BOILING OIL! OH and who can forget this! Please add a new Pandora's box PLEASE!
Last edited by Marius Voinescu; 20/04/13 05:11 AM.
Death and glory!
Joined: Apr 2013
Other things I've thought of : - Weight-based puzzles . It'd be cool to take advantage of this feature (weight) and to propose enigmas revolving around it. In addition, I think it'd be an equally good idea to design puzzles which need to be solved with both of your characters. More globally, I like dungeons where you need to use your BRAIN and not just vanquish them, get a key, open a door and keep on vanquishing. The perfect balance between riddles and battles were the good old Legend of Zelda, to me. Add to it a pinch of exploration, a fitting music and a solid lore, and you get a perfect dungeon. Oh and, btw, disable the use of pyramids inside the dungeons ? It could be easily exploitable don't you think, if you can just throw your pyramid to a point otherwise unreachable, thus allowing you to artificially bypass the puzzle ? - Is the presence of "emotes" considered and can it adds to the gameplay ? I guess it could be exploited, provided it'd have a concrete impact (or just for fun, though I think it'd get boring on the short-term). For instance, NPCs could react to a "Menace" emote and trigger new dialogues. You could push your partner off a cliff (to learn him the arcanes of flight if he asks you), scream in the middle of the fair to distract people while you're robbing them with your second character/partner (but then you'd be considered nuts and get arrested for further inquiries), etc... - Considering the lore behind the Phantom Forest, I'd love our characters to be hunted down by one powerful foe (on the model of the Nemesis from Resident Evil 3, if you've had the chance to play it you know what I mean by "hunted down"). Something invincible, relentlessly stalking you, appearing when you expect him the less, and that you can only hope to knock out (assuming you have the guts to fight him). On a similar subject, I wish there could be an intensely creepy music associated to the Phantom Forest, something disturbing, unforgettable (if you've played Super Metroid, you probably remember this ). - Knowing that enemies won't respawn at all, the following suggestion is quite useless, but if the editor allows the possibility of an "infinite respawn", then it mights be interesting : If a foe is no match for you, you could kill him instantly, without having to engage a fight that we know is already won. It'd be a save of time. - I don't know if the following idea is already implemented (I guess it is) : In multiplayer, clicking on your partner's portrait should center the camera on him. It'd be useful to help him if he needs your help to solve an enigma, or if you're waiting for his help in a battle but have nothing better to do than to spy him. - Don't make items glow to make them more visible. It'd ruin the feeling of exploration. - If you flee a fight, the enemy replenish his health/mana. I think it's the most viable option to prevent the abuse of the feature. - It'd be fun to make a few NPCs (essentials to a quest) run away at your sight (if you look intimidating for example), and that the only way to catch them would be to cleverly trap the area (by viciousely placing obstacles such as barrels at key points).
Last edited by Asyreon; 22/04/13 07:30 PM.
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