1 A armor of dark gods and a two handed flanged mace of evil and a quest chain associated with the 2.
2 A lot of bio-diversity i like hunting big game and crafting armor from monster and beast hides and bones, animals should hunt to and do other things not sit and wait :P.
3 The power of the great lich unlimited necromantic knowledge.
4 A series of quests for a take over of the under world from the current Satan.
5 Sit on Satan's throne singing "The devil is a loser and hes my #$%!^.
6 Enslave all of those pesky tree huging elves!
7 A tall foreboding tower in the swamp, where i can make freaky experiments on living subjects.
8 Build a powerful mercenary unit to collect taxes from all my conquered lands.
9 Open a portal to a unknown world and throw a undead dragon in it

And a lot more "EVIL" things