Firstly The new tomb Raider didn’t meet sales expectations, so while it may have sold more it didn’t sell as many as expected, and it’ll probably be the last tomb raider
Also while I had no friends whom bought skyrim for the nudity mods I also don’t have any that don’t have them downloaded, also maybe fanservice is something designed for the fourteen to sixteen year old boy range, but in all honstey its not like the graphics or ideas of this game are really all that mature, I mean the graphics remind me of dynasty warriors, and dragons with jetpacks is something you’d see in a saturady morning cartoon... in other words this game in my opinion isn’t meant for a mature/serious audience, so bring on the boobs and upskirty shots!

Also by game I mean DC not Orginial Sin, I believe Original sin Is meant for a mature and serious audience and agree to why it was censored