Uwe Boll's movies don't actually have to make money. Dude apparently exploits German tax laws to get funding. Or are you suggesting that Boll's movies sell a great deal to a wide audience rather than just being an internet punchline?

I mean, even if Boll's movies do turn out to be profitable, they're still made on a mostly shoestring budget. Hardly evidence that blatant fanservice is going to sell so incredibly much (because "Sex Sells!!!") that it would justify an expensive development.

And you're right - the new Tomb Raider does not yet have the biggest lifetime sales ever. I apologise. It does have the highest week-one sales in the history of the series. According to the guys who developed the game, anyway.

As for it not living up to Square's sales expectations. Well, let's face it, those expectations are insane. Square seems to be following THQ, gambling on big successes to save it from its financial failures. I mean, if the game is selling better during its initial release than any of its predecessors and it still fails to meet sales expectations, could that not mean sales expectations were unrealistic?

Or do you want to argue that they could have sold the expected amount if only the developers had had the bravery to cut a big round hole in Lara's shirt right above her tits?