Originally Posted by IronClaw
Though I will never claim solely based on sex sells,

Good. We are in agreement, then. It's just that when you said the following:

Originally Posted by Ironclaw
So you don't understand that sexy sells in our culture?

I was somehow under the impression that you claimed that sex sells. It does not. Rumble Roses has vanished. BMX XXX was a joke. Dead or Alive continues, but its 'Xtreme' big-tits-in-small-bikinis volleyball games are less than frequent.

To be honest, I don't really mind fanservice, as long as it's done at least somewhat cleverly. I played and enjoyed Ar tonelico 2 and that game was one long sexual reference. But at least in that game when one of the protagonists dressed up like a dominatrix it demonstrated a metaphorical truth about her character.

Squeezing a scowling blonde into a metal bikini and expecting people to take her seriously as a melee fighter, on the other hand, is not clever. And I do not agree that such a design is somehow justifiable by pointing out that 'sexy sells in our cultural'.