While reading through the Codex preview and the bugged bed in Divinity ...
Bedrolls & RestingCan we have bedrolls? Need to have that if you want to camp outside -- if you don't, you'll get frostbite (or mana/health won't refill to full after a not-so-good night's sleep).
Different qualities of rest places could be interesting, too. Sleep in a premium bed in an inn and get stat bonuses for an entire day (could choose the quality based on $$ like in real life); sleep in cold, damp corner of a dungeon and get cranky in the morning.
Bucket helmets & PumpkinsIf you put a too large bucket on your head without working on it first,
perception is reduced to zero.
Same for all other sorts of things you can put on your head, like blankets or white sheets to dress as a ghost.
![[Linked Image]](http://www.freecraftunlimited.com/images/seasons/halloween-ghost-1.jpg)
Maybe different types of helmets should reduce perception too, somewhat -- shouldn't matter too much for a melee fighter, but a ranger would be better served with a simple skull cap or leather cap than a full plate helmet with shut visor.
The other PC will react to silly hats upon seeing them (laugh, for instance).
Darkness effectsIf your PC is affected by a darkness spell (or big bucket on their head), the screen gets really dark. Some other UI effects for various spells could be fun, too. Like fear disabling all but the flee buttons, crazy illusion spells and so on.