Joined: Apr 2013
Congratulations, all of you at Larian! You're the best! Thank you for the best KS campaign ever and for unforgettable updates. And as a weresheep I can't resist the urge to say WOOS and BAAH! You made it all the way till the mighty Million, and now you can start on your final stretches leading towards the CRPG that will dwarf them all. Cheers!  Anyone who feels the same, feel free to post here.
I got Comment 33,333 at the legendary Larian KS for D:OS
Joined: Apr 2013
I suggest give them 2 week rest till they get the Kickstarter money and then open new one. Hell i would miss the days when i wake up turn on PC to see how we're doing before I run to uni. *hides from Swen's wrath*
Last edited by Blackfalcon; 26/04/13 05:52 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
This Kickstarter came out of nowhere for me - I own both Divine Divinity and Divinity II, but wasn't really keeping up with Larian news - but it became a really enjoyable fixture of my life over the last few weeks. I don't really like ranking games and picking favourites, but I'd have to admit that Planescape: Torment is much closer to my heart than the Divinity games, yet I'm way more excited for Original Sin than I am for Numeria, and a lot of that is down to the team at Larian putting together a really amazing Kickstarter and engaging the fans so well.
Joined: Apr 2013
@Blackfalcon: Hehe, sure! And thank you, btw, for starting the Weresheep phenomenon with LC.  @Kingslayer: I really loved Planescape, not to mention NWN2 MotB, but I am definitely much more excited about D:OS than ToN (which surely will be great). And why? It's because of Larian and this community, and me enjoying every minute of DD. 
I got Comment 33,333 at the legendary Larian KS for D:OS
Joined: Apr 2013
@indira I second this. I really looking forward to all the fun I will truly have with this merry and crazy community. Thank you Larian for getting all of us together !
Joined: Apr 2013
Well actually thank you lot for picking it up and such. It was really really great pleasure to think of believable story when others actually supported me. So thank you all and thank you Larian for tolerating my madness.
Last edited by Blackfalcon; 26/04/13 06:14 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Congrats, congrats, congrats!  You people were all awesome, the Larian guys and the community! It's almost sad that the campaign is over now and people have to wait for months until the game will come out! Swen and Larian: you have shown us that you believe in what you do and that you don't want to buckle due to publisher contraints. And we love you for that. This was one of the most entertaining, interesting, emotional and informative kickstarter campaigns I experienced so far and I have to say thank you for that. It was your first time but you performed fantastically. I will miss you guys and gals. Was a great time! And now make the RPG you ever dreamt of! Nobody deserved it more than you. 
Joined: Apr 2013
I'm going to miss the lighthearted, fun updates and I'm going to be following Larian much closer in the future due to their amazing relationship with the community. Just added the forums to my homepage and spread the word to all my RPG fan friends to get donating through paypal if they missed the kickstarter. If anybody deserved this it was Swen and the team.
Joined: Feb 2012
I was really surprised when I saw Larian in Kickstarter, since I thought about the possibility for some time, but never to promote the already promising Original Sin. I must confess I was pretty unsure about the stretchgoals -I was sure about the 400.000 milestone, though-, and I'm pleasantly surprised about the outcome. In fact, I just read in twiitter they've already reached the 1.000.000 milestone, wich is something I never thought possible. The last hours of the campaign were just... amazing  So, yes, congratulations, Larian. An extremely succesful kickstarter campign! We're all looking forward to OS!
Joined: Apr 2013
I already said it at the Kickstarter, but: congrats Larian! 
Joined: Apr 2013
Thank you huh... How to say it ? Thank you for everything, be it your involvement, your joyful updates, your patience, ... Everything.
I've never thought I'd back a project from Kickstarter. I've been looking for D:OS for quite a while of course, but I didn't expect you'd start a crowdfunding. Now I understand your reasons for doing it. If there's ONE project I had to fund, it inevitably had to be yours. You've been doing such a remarkable work this month... The sum of time and energy it must have required is outstanding.
I can't say it enough, but thank you for making me believe in a studio. As long as there'll be people like you, there'll always be enjoyable games, something I'll proudly pay for. Good luck for the next months =)
P.S. : Another thing I didn't thank you for : You took risks. The golden age of video games is behind us, imo. Some things sell better than other, and it fucked up the industry. Games are less complex, more uniformized. You took a risk by choosing to develop a turn-based old school RPG. It paid, mostly because there are still people who remember this golden age and miss this creativity, this complexity (plus, you attracted a new generation of players, I think, who didn't know these games at all, but still got seduced by your universe, your beliefs). Thank you for this.
Last edited by Asyreon; 26/04/13 08:39 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
I'm so glad they made the final goal (effectively) as day/night cycles are something I do really enjoy in games. It felt so magical in Ocarina of Time, and added a real sense of adventure to Dragon Quest III when night would fall when you were in the middle of a mountain range and all the enemies suddenly got a lot tougher - as well as arriving at a new town at night and heading straight for the inn. I'm sure Original Sin will do it more like those games than the pretty bland way it's done in Morrowind and Oblivion, where it's just "idiots wandering around aimlessly at day, less idiots wandering around aimlessly at night".
Joined: Apr 2013
I finally got my very avatar from the legendary KS working here. It alone is a fond memory of it all. It's all so very emotional, and it's easy to start well up and all, but many of us will see each other soon, I am sure of it.  WOOS! EDIT: If it was one thing I truly loved about Ultima VII, it was those schedules, and that night really felt like night, and you were really breaking-n-entering into people's homes there. So that $ 1M stretch goal is a very sweet thing to be reached indeed. I recall that pentagram, the candles and the murder like it was yesterday (now that's a creepy sentence for you) 
Last edited by Indira Weresheep; 26/04/13 06:29 PM.
I got Comment 33,333 at the legendary Larian KS for D:OS
Joined: Apr 2010
Larian is fully deserving of the extra funds. Being self published, DRM free, shipping with a toolkit, partnering with GoG. I'm normally critical of kickstarter but my money was well spent here.
Last edited by slimgrin; 26/04/13 06:31 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Watching the final hours on twitch was like watching a charity show on TV: Seeing that counter go up sure gives a kick. Congratulations guys: Time to work on what could become the best crpg that we have seen since many, many years ago 
Joined: Mar 2013
Congrats, Larianians! @Indira: Eternity, Torment and Star Citizen (specifically Squadron 42) are the types of games I have known for over a decade that I really wanted to be made again (and the more adventure games, the merrier), but D:OS and Hero-U are the projects I'm looking forward to the most now. 
Joined: Apr 2013
YAY!!! Congratulations Larian and us fans!!!  This was an awesome campaign, Inxile and Obsidian could really learn a lot from you guys. :3
Joined: Apr 2013
WOOS ,666, ,66;6;66;66;6;6/ )666; ,;6;66;6;66;6;66| /6' 6\ (|6;66:6\66;6;66;66:6( \ '66;66;6|66;6;66;6; '`"----' '66;66;/;66;/;66;' ) // | || \ \\ | || \ \\ ) \\ Congratulations, all of you at Larian! You're the best! Thank you for the best KS campaign ever and for unforgettable updates. And as a weresheep I can't resist the urge to say WOOS and BAAH! You made it all the way till the mighty Million, and now you can start on your final stretches leading towards the CRPG that will dwarf them all. Cheers!  Anyone who feels the same, feel free to post here.
Joined: Apr 2013
Eryn and Ryu, I take this opportunity to announce that I've just added you two to my growing buddies list here. WOOS!  EDIT: And seeing your name Jaesun here, I immediately added you to my Buddies list as well. Welcome! 
Last edited by Indira Weresheep; 26/04/13 07:01 PM.
I got Comment 33,333 at the legendary Larian KS for D:OS
Joined: Feb 2011
This was THE best Kickstarter Larian EVAR! You all did a fantastic job and I am SO excited to play this (and Dragon Commander).
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian