Joined: Nov 2009
Hi guys. I haven't logged in in... forever. Again.
Huge congratulations to you! You got me to put my change in the hat twice, once on Kickstarter and once on RPGWatch. Well done and great job pulling off the entire stretch goal list.
And you know what? You guys are now on the tip of the spear, marines who, alongside Obsidian, Portalarium, InXile, and others, are taking up deep ISO RPGs again where we seem to have left off to focus on FP perspective. I absolutely love what you guys have planned; they look like awesome systems and I look forward to getting my hands on the game.
Joined: Apr 2013
This was THE best Kickstarter Larian EVAR! You all did a fantastic job and I am SO excited to play this (and Dragon Commander). After that... nothing more to add.. except... KIRILLLLLLLL!!!!!
Joined: Apr 2013
@Indira as soon as I'm in reach of a desktop PC I will add woos folks to my list. 
Joined: Apr 2013
Im happy for Larian. This was the most awesome Kickstarter I backed. I've becked to Planetary Annihilation, Star Citizen, Project Eternity and some other. They were all very awesome, but Larians daily updates, livestreams and the community involvment in general topped them all. It had a lot of rememberable moments. I hope they will continue doing those updates on maybe a weekly basis or somethinglike that. Not only for D:OS but also for Dragon Commander for which I'm waiting as hard as for D:OS. And please show us some more fancy Bugs^^ Looking forward to some great games
Last edited by Emperor_of_Mars; 26/04/13 07:11 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
*whistle* Achieved They have achieved All strech go-oals On KickstarterLarian Team Larian Team *whistle* Major congratz to the whole Team. I really enjoyed the last 4 weeks. You guy's and gal's deserve every penny (Though I'm practically broke for a month now (not really, but I have to cut some stuff)) I'm verry happy I was a part in this adrenaline rush. I would like to thank my fellow WoOS aswell, since I think a lot of us have put a good effort to spread the word. If this great achievement means that the game has to be prosponed a bit, I really would like you to take that time and make the best game possible. http://www.dexyd.be/woos/ready.jpg
Joined: Jan 2009
Yes, Congratulations to Larian!
That was crazy. I mean seriously, last night at midnight I checked Kickstarter before going to sleep, and we were at 843,000+. We finished at 944,282. Today we got 101,732 from Kickstarter. That day was only 12 hours long, and most of that was when North America was sleeping.
(It was 873k when I woke up and checked it this morning about 7-ish. Something like 70k in 5 hours.)
Can Larian raise $4961 with another 2 weeks on Paypal? You bet.
A week ago, I was despairing as I saw 800k slipping away. Even 650k started looking a little shaky. One million? No chance. Ending the Kickstarter only 5,000 short of 1 million? BLOODY AMAZING.
Congratulations, you guys deserve it, best of luck, and I'm looking forward to Dragon Commander and the Original Sin Beta!
Joined: Feb 2013
I agree, that was my first Kickstarter I ever participated in but it was a blast. I loved following the updates and was glad to get my contribution in.
Also really glad you decided to put the cycle stretch in since you were so close to the 1 mill mark. Not only am I excited for you, i'm excited to get my hands on D:OS, with all the stuff you decided to add, it looks like the RPG we fans of the genre have been waiting to play for decades!
I pledged and all I got was this lousy awesome game!
Joined: Dec 2010
Is Larian going to post the final referral statistics? I'd be interested in those.
Joined: Apr 2013
First Kickstarter I've backed and I must say it has been amazing to be part of it.
Congratulations to Larian!!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Yes, Congratulations to Larian!
That was crazy. I mean seriously, last night at midnight I checked Kickstarter before going to sleep, and we were at 843,000+. We finished at 944,282. Today we got 101,732 from Kickstarter. That day was only 12 hours long, and most of that was when North America was sleeping.
(It was 873k when I woke up and checked it this morning about 7-ish. Something like 70k in 5 hours.)
Can Larian raise $4961 with another 2 weeks on Paypal? You bet.
A week ago, I was despairing as I saw 800k slipping away. Even 650k started looking a little shaky. One million? No chance. Ending the Kickstarter only 5,000 short of 1 million? BLOODY AMAZING.
Congratulations, you guys deserve it, best of luck, and I'm looking forward to Dragon Commander and the Original Sin Beta! If Larian had contacted certain Youtube personalities earlier in the campaign, they might have doubled the 1M. I think they learnt a lot for future campaigns (also will depend a lot on how well both DC and D:OS do when they are released). At any rate, congratulations.
Joined: Apr 2013
@Larian Congrats guys & gals! Swen, David; hopefully you're getting some sleep! Kirill - kickass afterparty, looking forward to the orchestral soundtrack. Jan - thanks for replying to my PM on KS, I'm just glad I could help out in a small way. 
Joined: Apr 2013
Congratulations Larian, this has been a hell of an shared experience. As I also just posted at the kickstarter page; you have my deepest respect. And I truly believe that you will do everything possible to make this dream reach its potential :9
Thank you!
Joined: Apr 2013
I'm not sure that having been earlier at youtube would have made a great difference. The good thing about being late is that people that saw the videos had to back at once. Had the videos been 1-2 weeks earlier, many would perhaps wait to pledge. And then they could have forgotten about it.
So it has two sides..
Joined: Apr 2013
This was THE best Kickstarter Larian EVAR! You all did a fantastic job and I am SO excited to play this (and Dragon Commander). Quoting for truth. Also David is a great singer (and Kirill is a great musician, of course but that doesn't need saying *again* but here you have it anyway  )
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
Joined: Apr 2013
If Larian had contacted certain Youtube personalities earlier in the campaign, they might have doubled the 1M. I think they learnt a lot for future campaigns (also will depend a lot on how well both DC and D:OS do when they are released).
Yeah, impressed by the idea although it's somewhat an egg of Columbus. The cooperation of systematized media is, of course, appreciated but, for example, I was skeptic about that Gamespot would kindly publish an article about this campaign in a timely manner (It won't hurt to try, though). I think the cooperation of social media gurus is what turned out effective in this campaign. Of course, if they don't have anything to show, it wouldn't have been this successful. So, hat off to Larian's daily diligence.
Joined: Apr 2013
Congratulations for such a super KS campaign! Larian deserves every penny imho for bringing us such a wonderful experience. First Kickstarter I participated in, and it was a blast to be part of it!!! Couldn't have picked a better one ... ! You guys better get some sleep now, you deserve it  Waiting anxiously for the next update ;-) *inserts update song* 
Joined: Apr 2004
Congratulations! VERY well run campaign, thank you all for the hard work you put into getting those updates out, creating videos, and working to promote DOS. Really looking forward to this game, you guys seem like you're a fantastic group of people.
WereLamb of Original Sin
Joined: Apr 2013
 Butler at WoOS - Weresheeps unite!
Joined: Apr 2013
Congrats! This was a fantastic KS campaign 
~Twin Tailed WoOS~
Joined: Apr 2013
Congratulations Larian  I'm looking forwards to the Alpha! There's lots of work for all of you to do now, but I'm sure you are up for it.
Kickstarter memories - The Wierd*Amanda Restless Weresheep of Sin*
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian