Joined: Apr 2013
Congo rats Larian.
Last edited by Affixiation; 26/04/13 09:38 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Congratulations! I didn't even know about Kickstarter before Original Sin, but this campaign had me checking it over and over (and over) again. Every update got me more excited, and the humour that was so characteristic of DD was ever-present.
One of the greatest things about this campaign was that it felt like Larian listend to community feedback and picked up ideas. As the kickstarter progressed I felt more and more involved, and by the time we neared the end, I was checking kicktraq hourly, constantly wondering how much money we'd make. We! It felt like a we, it was awesome.
Now all that's left is kickstarter-rehab. One day at a time...
Joined: Dec 2012
I'll add my vote to the congratulations.
I've backed a couple of games in the past, not through KS, but this was a completely different experience! The updates were informative and amusing. I'm going to miss them popping into my email. I was happy when the KS reached $400,000, as it meant the game would be expanded, but was hoping for the $650,000, as that seemed to be the main roleplaying option to me. So to hear the $1M was reached is phenomenal. Well done, Larian!
Joined: Apr 2013
Congratulations! I'm eagerly awaiting updates and EVERYTHING about this game
old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2003
I can only imagine what this could have done for Sword of Lies (Divine Divinity as most know it). I don't think I've played a game before that had a million dollar production budget.
Last edited by LightningLockey; 26/04/13 10:43 PM.
Every time there I run into trouble on the road, there is always a dwarf at the bottom of it. Don't they know how to drive above ground?
Joined: Apr 2013
Congratulations Larian.
I've been following and supporting a few KS projects and this one has been an entertaining adventure.
Last edited by Sashaa; 26/04/13 10:57 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Congratulations, Larian!
It's been an amazing trip! After all these years, I didn't think I could be this enthusiastic about a game again! I don't think I've been this excited for a game since Ultima VII was released and I ditched my last University class to pick it up! (It was a shame, that, um, "emergency" that prevented me from going... but the professor was quite understanding...)
It's such an amazing thought... to be excited not only for the final product, but the entire process! I don't feel a need to "have it now," though I would love that too... It's just that, I suppose, I feel invested emotionally in the journey - rather than financially and needing immediate rewards as justification.
I trust you, Larian. I know you won't dissappoint me, you've already exceeded my dreams.
For that, I thank you!
Joined: Mar 2003
Congratz on a successful fundraiser, guys!  Really happy to see that the $1M stretch goal was reached since it's going to make the game so much more immersing. Looking forward to the final game and wishing you all the best of luck, strength, stamina and dexterity (which I think you may partially need with regard to the pretty close 11/2013 release date  )!
Joined: Jan 2008
Congratulations!!! It's awesome that you got funded and I'm relieved and thankful for having the last tier still added! I enjoyed watching you playing DOS and David was just too funny! I'm really looking forward to becoming a Bellegarette;-) Unfortunately I didn't see Kirill's performance at the end because my Mum was visiting and impatient to leave and I had already bored her (no offense but she has no interest in games) for 2 hours. In a way it's good because I'm really looking forward to hearing his new compositions with an orchestra too. I hope you all have fun making the game and don't stress too much. I think we are all impatient but happy to wait. The kickstarter has been great...loved watching it progress and feeling part of community. Good luck!
Joined: Apr 2013
Congratulations to the whole Larian team!
I must say it was an amazing campaign - we've seen a lot of great KS projects this last year, but none was as brilliantly conducted - with frequent updates which somehow managed to be very informative and amusing at the same time. I'm just a minor backer, but I feel something new to me right now and I'm sure 20k or so backers feel the same. The feeling is pride - pride that we contributed to making the game better. And if the game turns out to be a great one, we will feel even better.
Now it's up to you, Larian. Make us proud. Make us all proud.
Joined: Apr 2013
Congrats to Larian team, your effort and honest comments on current status, and of modern RPG wins me over. I've pledged my highest amount ever on KS, not even Project Eternity or Torment campaign could make me pledge that amount.( I wish I could afford to become a fan or have my NPC though. :P ) Heck, I even wish I can collect some of past pledge money back and put those to you guys. I will be sure to help you guys out on alpha and beta, not just playing and bitching why things not working. As a long time programmer I know how hard things can be. Cheers~ and let's have a good fun ride all the way till game goes gold!  (Annnnd much more fun, after the game released.)
Joined: May 2003
Great job Larian on a such a successful Kickstarter. This was exciting to follow and also wildly hilarious.
Joined: Sep 2011
Congrats larian! I'm going to buy a new laptop for this! 
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: Apr 2003
Congrats for a fantastic campaign which will now lead to an even more fantastic game. This was the first Kickstarter I actually contributed to and I'm thrilled I did. Well done gentlemen, this is my most anticipated game of the year.
If God said it, then that settles it!!
Joined: Apr 2013
My dear Swen Vincke, I wanted to take but a few brief moments to deliver to you these, my humble words of praise and appreciation to you and your team. To say that you have created something special is a great underestimate, only a few moments ago I finished reading the brief lore of the land of Rivellon, and after refreshing my fond memories of this land of myth and legend, destiny and possibility, I found my self in that place where dreams become reality and each small man can be a hero, and the light of truth never dims. For all of this, and for the unreal honor to once again put on the armor of the Black Dragon, pick up that Sword of Lies and give evil a taste of her own medicine, I can stop not even one moment from saying THANK YOU! My only regret is I may never have the privilege of meeting you face to face, or even to congratulate your achievement with my own voice. But per chance if you find the time to read these, my words you will bring upon a joyful smile, maybe even be flattered, if that will be so then I to will be quite happy. From me your great fan the young knight Marius Voinescu to you Swen, with only the best wishes.
Death and glory!
Joined: Nov 2010
Hi Larian Team, I just wanted to congratulate you (and us by extension since we get an awesome game) for the successful Kickstarter campaign. WE MADE IT, all stretchgoals done!!! You guys worked so hard and I hope you take that well deserved rest now to recharge your batteries and spend time with your families. I know it must have been hard on them with you working so hard for the last 30 days. I loved being part of this campaign because you made us feel like part of the team. You let us in and showed us that you are simply a bunch of guys/girls who love making and playing games. No corporate BS for once, just fun-loving gamers. Keep doing what you're doing! Thank you Swen, David, Jan, Octaaf, Thomas, Axel and all the other folks at Larian and we love you. P.S. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBzvF7duw9sThanks and Lots of love, Garod
Joined: Apr 2013
I also want to thank you all, the campaign was wonderful and I'm glad that we've made nearly a million. And also you deserve some sleep 
Joined: Oct 2012
Great job, Larian! This was one of the best-run kickstarters I've seen! I'm positive that Original Sin is going to one of the best games I've ever played! Congrats!!
Joined: Apr 2013
Three cheers for Larian. nay, a thousand cheers for Larian! Like many of you, I was more excited about P: E & T: ToN at first. But (and this cannot be stated too much) the entire KS just sucked me in... It may not have been the smoothest of rides but boy, it was fun! Take a break, guys & gals @Larian (you've deserved it!). And then: go out and make the masterpiece you've always wanted to make!
2 + 2 = 5 (for sufficiently large values of 2)
Joined: Apr 2013
I am very happy they made 1 million. I am very excited about Dragon Commander coming up in July and to play the anthology(only played DKS before) all before D:OS comes out which should be amazing as well. Congrats Larian, you guys are amazing. 
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian