Joined: May 2010
HEllo guys!! Does anyone know about such things? 1)Will be in the game any big city like Verdistis or Aleroth? 2)Is there any plan to make addons for D:OS (not DLC)like Flames of Vengeance? 3)Will the keyword system remain in the future? 4)Can I use Hack-and-Slash combat instead Turn-based(By modding)? 5)Will be there ragdoll animation.What about physics at all? 6)How many races there will be likewise Divine Divinity or maybe not?
I`m sorry if such questions have already mentioned but I couldn`t find them
P.S It`s going to be BAAAAAAAAAWESOME!!!!!
Last edited by James 540; 28/04/13 01:28 AM.
Experience is a hard master but a good teacher-Proverb of RPG player (c)
Joined: Jan 2009
1) (From Reddit) There won't be any huge cities, just some good-sized towns, but it's not the size, but what you do with it. 2) Not at this time, but maybe. 3) Unknown, but probably, given how many things you can ask NPC's about. I saw 13 topics you could ask an NPC, and there could be a lot more. 4) No. 5) (Post-Destructoid Q&A)I think they said that they didn't think that ragdoll physics was worth spending time on, but they might be in the final version or in the editor. I'm not sure. 6) Unknown.
Joined: May 2010
Oh thank you Stabbey
Experience is a hard master but a good teacher-Proverb of RPG player (c)
Joined: Apr 2013
3) I think they said that the keyword system will remain for "unimportant" NPC interaction, but the important bits will be fully dialogued. I might be wrong, though.
Joined: Sep 2011
There's also a VA. I don't know how big the scope of the VA though.
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: Mar 2013
so sympatisch wie ich das entwicklerteam larian auch finden mag. leider haben sie zuviel von diabolo 3 abgeschaut. diese comic grafik gefällt mir überhaupt nicht. eine düstere der realität angepasste spieleumgebung wäre eine bessere entscheidung gewesen. auch das kämpfen/kampfsystem hat nicht mehr viel von seinen vorgänger. irgendwie ist es zu langatmig. ein richtiges hack and slash spiel wäre auch hier besser gewesen. so weit ich es bis jetzt gesehen habe, hat es nicht mehr viel von seinem vorgänger. schade eigentlich.(ausser die tolle musik) man hätte es vielleicht mehr im style von "Path of Exile" machen sollen. http://www.pathofexile.comas sympathetic as I also like the developer team Larian find. Unfortunately, they have too much cribbed from diabolo third this comic graphics do not like me. a grim reality of the play adapted environment would have been a better decision. also the fight / combat system no longer has much of its predecessor. somehow it is too lengthy. a real hack and slash game would have been better here. as far as I've seen it up to now, it no longer has much of its predecessor. shame really. (except the great music) you should make it perhaps more in the style of "Path of Exile". http://www.pathofexile.com
Joined: Apr 2013
so sympatisch wie ich das entwicklerteam larian auch finden mag. leider haben sie zuviel von diabolo 3 abgeschaut. diese comic grafik gefällt mir überhaupt nicht. eine düstere der realität angepasste spieleumgebung wäre eine bessere entscheidung gewesen. auch das kämpfen/kampfsystem hat nicht mehr viel von seinen vorgänger. irgendwie ist es zu langatmig. ein richtiges hack and slash spiel wäre auch hier besser gewesen. so weit ich es bis jetzt gesehen habe, hat es nicht mehr viel von seinem vorgänger. schade eigentlich.(ausser die tolle musik) man hätte es vielleicht mehr im style von "Path of Exile" machen sollen. http://www.pathofexile.comas sympathetic as I also like the developer team Larian find. Unfortunately, they have too much cribbed from diabolo third this comic graphics do not like me. a grim reality of the play adapted environment would have been a better decision. also the fight / combat system no longer has much of its predecessor. somehow it is too lengthy. a real hack and slash game would have been better here. as far as I've seen it up to now, it no longer has much of its predecessor. shame really. (except the great music) you should make it perhaps more in the style of "Path of Exile". http://www.pathofexile.com I honestly can't tell if this statement is simply a case of ignorance, or trolling. Considering the utter arrogance of the statements and their lack of grounding in reality, I'm going to guess trolling.
Joined: Mar 2003
Tone doesn't come across very well with an online translator.
Depending on how old the videos or screenshots in question are, there were a few people that thought the graphics and/or character design were too cartoony. For the graphics, at least, much of that was before Larian had even started working on the lighting, and there were additional adjustments made during the kickstarter. Additional opponent types have also been shown, which are less cartoony than shown in some of the original screenshots.
Joined: Apr 2013
even if it's trolling, it's a bad one.
Joined: Apr 2013
Why trolling? He stated his opinion that he would like a real-time based combat and less colourful graphics for the successor of Divine Divinity. It's his good right to critizise the game as he like. Different people like different designs and gameplay decisions. 
Joined: Apr 2013
If you can't read German and you don't understand how sentences are build in German, the translation by google really f#cks up. I think you as native German would not see it, but 1 on 1 translation is just bad.
Joined: Apr 2013
so sympatisch wie ich das entwicklerteam larian auch finden mag. leider haben sie zuviel von diabolo 3 abgeschaut. diese comic grafik gefällt mir überhaupt nicht. eine düstere der realität angepasste spieleumgebung wäre eine bessere entscheidung gewesen. auch das kämpfen/kampfsystem hat nicht mehr viel von seinen vorgänger. irgendwie ist es zu langatmig. ein richtiges hack and slash spiel wäre auch hier besser gewesen. so weit ich es bis jetzt gesehen habe, hat es nicht mehr viel von seinem vorgänger. schade eigentlich.(ausser die tolle musik) man hätte es vielleicht mehr im style von "Path of Exile" machen sollen. http://www.pathofexile.com Fortunately I can read German (because the English translation is downright hilarious), unfortunately I can't really speak or write it anymore. I've never played Diablo 3 (I thought Diablo 1 sucked so I never bothered with the rest), but graphicswise it also reminds of Torchlight, which if I'm not mistaken is older than Diablo 3, so one could argue that Diablo 3 ripped of its graphical style from Torchlight. Yeah, I didn't think so either, nor do I think D:OS borrowed its art style from any game in particular. Personally I think games like Torchlight are only good for occasional short play sessions as button mashing to kill wave after wave of enemies gets old rather quickly. I vastly prefer fewer longer better encounters over this*. The slower an encounter progresses (or *can* progress, pause & play anyone?) the more time players have to respond to changing situations and the more tactically challenging those encounters can be. I would even dare go as far a state that real time is the antithesis of tactics, the faster things move the less tactics can and will be involved as you become more and more dependant on reflexes (twitch based gameplay) *note that I do enjoy Torchlight, but I don't exactly see myself playing a 6 hour session of it..
Last edited by theBlackDragon; 15/05/13 11:00 PM. Reason: Spelling
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
Joined: Apr 2013
Why trolling? He stated his opinion that he would like a real-time based combat and less colourful graphics for the successor of Divine Divinity. It's his good right to critizise the game as he like. Different people like different designs and gameplay decisions. I'll use the English translation since I don't know German. However, my family is Peruvian, so I have a bit of experience parsing mangled English to get to the meaning behind it. Here's my interpretation of what he was trying to say. As much as I like the developers from Larian, I think they took a bit too much of the graphics from Diablo three, and I don't like the bright colorfulness of the graphics. It would have been a much better decision to make the game darker and grimmer more realistic.
Also, the combat is nothing like the previous games. It takes way too long, and making it a hack and slash game would have been better. From everything I've seen so far it's nothing like the previous games. It's a shame really, though the music is good.
You guys should make Divinity Original Sin more like Path of Exile. <Link to Path of Exile> Thus, he essentially is stating that they copied the art style of another game - instead of taking the time to develop their own particular art style like they clearly said they did during the KS. He is also saying that the combat takes too much time and they should have made it a hack and slash because that's obviously more like the previous games and it's a shame they made all these bad decisions. He then culminates with taking a game with a wildly different tone, focus, and style from any of the Divinity games, and says they should make D:OS like that, with the implication that that game is much better than D:OS. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and said he could just be ignorant of the amount of work and thought they put into the game, but the statements he made came across as extremely arrogant and insulting. Thus, I pegged him as either someone who came along late and didn't pay attention to all the work the developers put into the game and the information they gave us about that work, or as a troll trying to cause drama. I suppose replying to him was feeding the troll since any attention is good attention to that type of poster, but I really didn't like the tone that came across in the statements. I could be wrong, I could have misinterpreted, or he could have thought this was a barely started project like many other KS, not a highly polished work. I'm not sure which, and I've explained why I threw out the possible troll comment, so I'm going to leave it at that.
Joined: Apr 2013
"Real" translation based on the sense of the post: Though I take to the development team at Larian I don't like the cartoonish art style of the game. I think the art style looks too much like the one used in Diablo 3. A more gritty and realistic art style and setting would have been a better decision. And the combat system is not very close to the one of its predecessor. It's somehow too lenghty. A real hack'n'slay system would have been better. As far as I have seen it is not that similar to its predecessor which is a pity (apart from the music). Perhaps you should have made it more similar to Path of Exile. Though I don't share his opinin that D:OS is not close to its predecessor in every aspect (like story, atmosphere, universe,...)I agree that the previous Divinity games did not have a turn-based combat system but a fast paced real time combat system. But hack'n'slay or something like that is not very suitable for a party based RPG. You have to make a turn-based or at least RTwP system if you want to use more than one party member properly in combat (and use their special abilities and classes/skills). And I also think that not everyone likes the art style of the game. I am myself not that big fan of cartoonish graphics and I would prefer a more realistic and gritty art style but nevertheless I think that I will have much fun with D:OS.....  Edit: And I would prefer a RTwP system like in the old IE games... 
Last edited by LordCrash; 16/05/13 03:52 PM.
Joined: May 2010
Hello world I have watched one of Live-stream videos and I took interest to one thing about Item Level what does it mean? One of swords had Level Item 22.
Experience is a hard master but a good teacher-Proverb of RPG player (c)
Joined: May 2013
Could be a simple indicator of the weapon's power level, or it could also be an indicator for level/stat requirement for use.
Unless otherwise specified, just an opinion or simple curiosity.
Joined: May 2010
Hello! I also took it in my account but as I know there is level cap at 20th level that`s why I have some doubts
Last edited by James 540; 29/05/13 10:23 AM.
Experience is a hard master but a good teacher-Proverb of RPG player (c)
Joined: Jan 2009
It's a cheat weapon so the devs can kill things quickly if they don't want to be bothered. That's why it's level 22.
Joined: May 2010
Oh how I could be so stupid then it makes sense))
Experience is a hard master but a good teacher-Proverb of RPG player (c)
Joined: Apr 2005
Gruss aus der Ferne, Godan72  He just expresses his personal feeling about what he saw so far. Even that is his honest statement do I believe that such statements about personal taste are mostly fruitless as there is no accounting for tastes, inother words: Über Geschmack lässt sich (immer) streiten. After all it's their game even it is great ho much they enjoy and react to feedback which is really not that common as some might think. But despite me being a backer, I believe in artistic freedom:) I think you should cut them some slack and what for the game development to progress as the fights we saw in the pre-Alpha version where of course quite sluggish as it was far from being streamlined and I am sure once it gets closer to the finished product it will be less clunky and more fluid. Who knows, maybe they allow us to mess a bit around with the color settings in the final game so you can play from zombie colors to Disney-candy landuntil it makes our eyes bleed  Also...Hoffnung nicht fahren lassen 
Ideals are like stars. We might never reach them. But we can set our course by them.
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