Joined: Sep 2011
I already have my wishlist which can be found here: http://www.larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=27954&Number=450451#Post450451Since this game is a prequel, most of the suggestions I made cannot be implemented. To summarize and without including the sequels, here's the list (I'll cross out what is going to be implemented): Mini-games - There's a fishing rod, a harvest moon kind of fishing game could be nice. Romance or relationship development - dialogue interactions w/ your companion implements this Mind reading - Source hunters can also mind read too? Hunting we shall go - Phantom forest seems to implement it. More "plays" - I hope the 400k stretch goal will implement more quests like this. Battle tower companions - Shelter at plane homestead implemented this. Side quest consequences - It happened when the fire of the burning ship in cyreal got extinguished and people celebrated it. I know other parts of the game will have this. Good ending/Bad ending choices - self explanatory. increases replayability. In addition, Kirill sidequest could be nice.
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: Apr 2013
Since there was a lot of drama about the above. Why hasn't anybody commented on Scarlett wearing high heels yet? I noticed this yesterday and it bothers me more than the "armour" ever could (but I'm still not going to whine for it to be changed) and am sort of surprised the "bikini armor doesn't protect" guys/gals haven't talked about high heels not being very practical on cobblestones or beaches (I live in Ghent and I can tell you that high heels + cobblestones can be quite funny for the onlookers but decidedly less so for the person wearing them).
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
Joined: Aug 2009
Good ending/Bad ending choices - self explanatory. increases replayability.
I think larian said on reddit that this is not possible, the ending is fixed since its a prequel and you cant change the story of DD or D2.
Joined: Apr 2013
All I want now is a female orc companion. Maybe a windmill companion, too.
Joined: Apr 2013
Cmon People. I WANT CLOTHING! Remember old Morrowind, where u could wear any clothing you wanted and above it armor? That's like my favorite part of the game. The ability to change the character in the way you want it!
"Random funny/cool quote that will make you think im something more than an Idiot"
Joined: Apr 2013
Well, a bit better than Morrowind since every item of clothing in that was just a different coloured rag. But I agree, different clothing choices is a surprisingly fun part of RPGs, and fits right in with roleplaying. I quite liked how Phantasy Star Universe handled it, with quite different styles for the different cultures in the game, as well as different brands for clothing and weapons depending on what planet they originated from.
Joined: Apr 2013
I also liked how in Morrowind you had different slots for left and right glove and left and right pauldron. Makes for a great feeling of a ragtag group when the other guy has leather left glove and a left sandal and the other has an iron right pauldron.
Joined: Mar 2003
Context-sensitive mouse pointerThis one is from adventures, mostly. Divinity 1 didn't have this and sometimes it wasn't clear at all what a click did. With Original Sin being highly interactive, a context-sensitive mouse pointer would make a lot of sense and provide "tactile" UI feedback. - Moving
![[Linked Image]](http://bootstrike.com/Ultima7bg/images/shot10.gif) Click anywhere & hold: arrow pointing in the direction you are walking; larger arrow if you are running (Ultima VII apparently had three speeds and used RMB for moving, LMB for world interaction) - NPC interaction
- hover over NPC: mouth --> talk (default)
- sword --> attack
- Item interaction
- hand --> click = activate (default)
- gripping hand --> click & hold = move (like in Adobe Reader, feels very natural)
- eye or magnifying glass --> inspect object (default for unmovable objects that can be inspected)
Joined: Mar 2003
Sight range & light sourcesI'm not sure how sight range is being used in regard to the Fog of War, but as mentioned in the Primary stats thread I'd like it to be removed from skills & stats if possible. Then it can be used for purely atmospheric reasons, depending on time, place and weather conditions, now that the final stretch goal was reached. Using hearing (or awareness, as I'd rather call it) should be enough for skills / stats purposes. - Daylight: full sight range (whole screen, but at least a comforable max sight range)
- Dusk or dawn: diminishing or increasing sight range
- Night time or in dungeons: close sight range.
- Heavy rain or fog: medium sight range
![[Linked Image]](http://www.atarimania.com/st/screens/amberstar_11.gif) Amberstar (screenshot), Ambermoon and Albion (?) did it like this. Using light sources such as torches, lanterns or light spells would increase the sight range. As they diminish in power, so would the sight range be reduced slowly. Bonus: more atmosphere during the night and in dungeons, fun possibilities with blindness spells etc.
Joined: Apr 2013
Skills- It could be interesting to "merge" two summons into a single one, more powerful, with differents effects. The pool of HP would merge as well. Also, there could be "special summons" (Obtainable through side quests), with special attributes and effects. I've put these ideas into a rudely drawn scheme (with a few ideas on what fusions could be envisaged) : About the evolution of skills : - It'd be cool if their visuals could evolve (let's say every 2 levels) to reflect the gain in power. - Each skills could have two branches, a variation of the skill with a slightly different effect/AP cost/Mana cost. - I guess it's trivial, but maybe we could be given the option to choose which level of a skill we want to use (mana management) ? Here's another scheme : - Special spells/summons which would require to be cast in duo/trio/quatuor ? The effects would slightly vary according to everybody's affinity toward each others. - Diversity on the objects which can be thrown (By diversity, I mean "effects". If you throw a sword at an enemy, the damages would increase if your sword is powerful, for instance ; some items could contain powerful and unique spells of single use). Fights- The ground influence the cost of AP (Ex: Moving on sand, mud or snow should slow you, which lead to an increased cost of AP). I'm specifically talking about the environment here, not the "modified ground" which result from spells. Tactically speaking, we would gain in depth. - I'm 100% sure it'll be added, but the cost of AP for each actions should clearly appear. Miscellaneous- Instead of sending your companions to the homestead where he'd do nothing and turn wild, you could decide to send him somewhere in the world, where he'd sell his services to someone (Ex: Working as an apprentice for an alchemist, who could then discover new potions and sell you his goods at a discount price). - I remember cats hunting chickens and rabbits in DD (Common sense, they're the masters of the Universe). Now that we have a schedule for NPCs, it'd be necessary for these NPCs not to talk to you when they're in danger, or at least not to stop running away from the threat. Their dialogue should also reflect the menace.
Last edited by Asyreon; 28/04/13 08:14 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
SittingHaven't actually seen this, but characters and NPCs who can walk, run, fight and sleep in beds surely can sit on chairs and benches, right? With a highly interactive world and day/night cycles, it would seem a bit strange if all they could do was stand around ... ![[Linked Image]](http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/4969/sergornfileswordpressco.jpg) Ultima VII had it.  I think characters in the game would sit automatically when they moved over a space that had a chair or the like on it. ----------------------------------------- Skills- It could be interesting to "merge" two summons into a single one, more powerful, with differents effects. (..) Like item combinations, but with summons. Combining elements, essentially. Sounds interesting! - About the evolution of skills : - It'd be cool if their visuals could evolve (let's say every 2 levels) to reflect the gain in power. Yep -- like the "Rain" spell in the D:OS presentation videos was like a real tempest. Could start out with smaller versions, like a tiny rain cloud, evolving into bigger versions. Fights
- The ground influence the cost of AP (Ex: Moving on sand, mud or snow should slow you, which lead to an increased cost of AP). Yes, this was one point mentioned in the 12 ways to improve turnbased combat thread. Lots of possibilities there. And yes, there needs to be good visual feedback as to action point cost for various actions and circumstances.
Joined: Aug 2011
I hope our frineds at Larian are taking this thread very seriously, because there is a lot of excellent proposals 
Joined: Apr 2013
Why hasn't anybody commented on Scarlett wearing high heels yet?
I found this annoying as well, but after all the fuss over the concept art, I thought bringing up the issue was more trouble than it was worth. I'm assuming there'll be non-high-heeled armours in the final game.
Joined: Sep 2011
Skills- It could be interesting to "merge" two summons into a single one, more powerful, with differents effects. The pool of HP would merge as well. Also, there could be "special summons" (Obtainable through side quests), with special attributes and effects. I've put these ideas into a rudely drawn scheme (with a few ideas on what fusions could be envisaged) : About the evolution of skills : - It'd be cool if their visuals could evolve (let's say every 2 levels) to reflect the gain in power. - Each skills could have two branches, a variation of the skill with a slightly different effect/AP cost/Mana cost. - I guess it's trivial, but maybe we could be given the option to choose which level of a skill we want to use (mana management) ? Here's another scheme : I'm going to reference Final fantasy a lot. I'm just curious what is the 5th element when combining fire, earth, water, and wind. Will we summon captain planet (perhaps we need heart) or are we going to create a FF spell such as Ultima (non elemental spell). I second the evolution of skill and the effects are apparent as with Arhu's statement. Fire, Fira, Firaga from FF or blizard, blizara, blizaga...
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: Apr 2013
I'm going to reference Final fantasy a lot.
I'm just curious what is the 5th element when combining fire, earth, water, and wind. Will we summon captain planet (perhaps we need heart) or are we going to create a FF spell such as Ultima (non elemental spell).
I second the evolution of skill and the effects are apparent as with Arhu's statement. Fire, Fira, Firaga from FF or blizard, blizara, blizaga... Well to me the fifth element would be the Aether, but I restrained my thoughts, for if I consider we can merge more than 2 types of summons, the possibilities would be way too vasts. Moreover, I have no idea what would result from a combination of, let's say, Water + Fire + Earth (if I stick to the 4 classical elements). You can probably add a Water + Earth combination (Wooden or Mud Elemental), but then I have no idea what to do with Air + Fire. An Incendiary Elemental maybe ? But it'd be close from the fire one I think.
Last edited by Asyreon; 28/04/13 10:37 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Why hasn't anybody commented on Scarlett wearing high heels yet?
I found this annoying as well, but after all the fuss over the concept art, I thought bringing up the issue was more trouble than it was worth. I'm assuming there'll be non-high-heeled armours in the final game. It's unlikely that there will be both flat and high heels, it fundamentally changes the character's posture (which is why women wear them, the change of posture makes your legs appear longer and in today's world long legs == sexy) so it'd be a lot of work to change. Not wanting another round of drama is why I posted it in here, rather than in another topic btw, because then all the trolls would come crawling out of the woodwork...
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
Joined: Jan 2009
1. Since there are NPC Schedules and such, it might make waiting for a specific NPC to show up irritating. When you click on a bed, there should be a rest option with a slider for how long you want to rest. I wouldn't mind a wait option like Skyrim where you can wait in place until a specific time (although that might involve an interrupt if you wait in a store when the owners want to close, or if day changes to night and monsters show up where you're standing.)
2. In turn-based combat, there are little circles under the characters. The current player character whose turn it is is white. Enemies are all red, and many probably have the same name. On a player turn, I'd like to see the enemy red circle be pink (or something) for the next enemy whose turn it is, as an easy visual indicator of exactly which enemy will move next.
3. If you're going to let players delay taking their turn, an easy to do that in the UI might be to let you drag your portrait on the turn order bar farther down the list.
Joined: Apr 2013
Though a "Rest" option would be interesting (as long as it can't be abused of, else there would be no point in buying potions), there's a major problem about it (in multiplayer) : How will it affect your partner, especially now that we have a true day/night cycle ? I mean, what happen when you want to sleep and your partner is kilometres away from you ? Does it means she HAS TO sleep as well (which wouldn't make sense) ? Do you both need to be close to each other in order to rest (which would really restrict its usefulness ; moreover, what if your partner is in perfect shape and doesn't want to sleep ?) ? We can't seriously envision a time-gap in multiplayer, so is the "Rest" feature viable ? There's only one solution I can think of : You can only rest at the homestead, where you're unaffected by time. By if time has no sway on you, does it mean we can sleep as often as we want (and we get back to the abusive use of the feature) ? It'd be nice to have an answer on this matter. UITo simplify the use of the UI, maybe we could have two modes : A "Free" mode, in which you can swap your skills and change their position in your bar BUT can't use them. Regarding the change of skills, something à la DD would be nice (a list pop up above your current skill), but a window is OK as well, as long as it's simple and clear (a semi-transparent window preferably, to prevent from hiding the environment on a large scale). A "Combat" mode, which allow you to use your skills BUT lock your bar. You'd automatically get in "Combat" mode after a minute, if you haven't touched anything in your bar, or if you enter a fight. There'd be a tiny icon next to your bar to switch from Free to Combat, and vice versa. NPC ScheduleI have no idea to what extent will the schedule be envisaged, but as I conceive it, it'd require a huge work. Here's an example of what kind of depth I hope to see : If you kill a NPC, it affects its relatives, and it depends on the circumstances of the murdering. If they've seen you, they should react consequently (Running away, screaming, attacking you, alerting the guard, hiding in fear). They also need to REMEMBER your deeds. It'd make no sense at all if, the day after, you could pop in and say "Hello !", as if nothing happened. On a side note, maybe we could also try to explain ourselves and reason the NPC (or even intimidate him. For instance, threaten him of death if he talks about what happened to anyone). If they haven't seen you, they'd desperatly search for him, an inquiry would be set up (maybe a "Clue" feature could be implemented, by which you could leave clues behind you, which would force you to be careful when you murder someone ?). They'd eventually find the corpse (or not, if you can move it), the death of their reliative would affect them. They could refuse to sell their goods for a time, seclude themselves and refuse to talk to anyone, why not even suicide themselves if they've lost all those they loved, or sink into alcoholism (why not even become a bum ?). The other side of the coin is : All these modifications have to be taken into account for the redaction of The Transcript of Unravelled Destinies. Massive amount of work. Misc.- Frozen NPC can be moved (It sounds logical, though it'd be quite weird if you could drop him/her in your backpack). The consequence is that you can kidnap them (why not even sell them afterward. A necromancer sure could have a use of a subject of experiment. It could be part of a side quest). To be honest, I don't think it's such an useful feature, but my unadmitted dream is to freeze the lady in her bath during the pyramid quest, move her to the town centre and watch her being humiliated while she slowly thaw.  .
Joined: Apr 2013
- Frozen NPC can be moved (It sounds logical, though it'd be quite weird if you could drop him/her in your backpack).
Aww come on, I want to collect frozen NPCs in my secret pocket plane! The consequence is that you can kidnap them (why not even sell them afterward. A necromancer sure could have a use of a subject of experiment. It could be part of a side quest). To be honest, I don't think it's such an useful feature, but my unadmitted dream is to freeze the lady in her bath during the pyramid quest, move her to the town centre and watch her being humiliated while she slowly thaw.  . I approve of this product and/or service and would like to subscribe to your newsletter 
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
Joined: Jan 2009
You can't rest in combat, you have to go to a bed. To heal in combat you need potions or special spells or abilities (which consume action points). You can't rest for a while after resting - that was in Divine Divinity as well to prevent abuse. If you rest up, any enemies who were damaged also heal back to full. That's all you need to prevent abuse.
But that's a really good point about resting in multiplayer. I don't have any solutions on how to fix that other than "both players need to agree before they can rest."
I completely disagree with your idea of locking the skill bar in combat. This game is not using a Vancian magic system where you only have X slots and can't change them until the next day. It is a quick skill bar, you can know more than nine skills. If it's your turn, you should be able to open your skill menu and switch out your quick bar skills as much as you like for no cost. The quick skill bar's purpose is for convenience, not INconvenience.
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