Hey guys. I'm on lunch break at work so I'll try to make this quick, plus I'm typing on my phone LOL.
When I heard that Larian studios were releasing the tools for us to create our own RPGs I got EXTREMELY excited. My excitement has almost surpassed that of what I had for Original Sin itself! But as someone who has always wanted to create my own RPG I was left with some questions that still seemed to be unanswered. So if anyone knows the answer to these questions or if anyone from Larian studios can answer them I'd be ecstatic!!
1. I seen that we can import and export our own textures into the game editor...what about meshes? Can I export an NPC out of the game, open it with Blender, 3DS Max or Maya then modify it then import it back into the editor for use in game?
2. An obvious second question. If I can modify meshes and characters in the game can I add bones to the rigging that's already available in game? For use with....well....my third question...
3. Can we modify animations in the editor? If we cannot, is it at least possible to export animation files so that we can import them in Blender or some other 3d software so that we can create our own animations for use in the game?
4. Will we have tools to modify camera placement. For instance can I edit the camera so it is over the shoulder of the main character? Or script it so that it zooms in and pans during dialogue with NPCs?
Sorry if these questions have been answered before but the idea of a modifyable RPG tool is just getting me too excited. With the correct support and tools this can finally be the tool set that allows us to create 3d RPGs the way RPGMaker couldn't! And that makes me very excited!!!
Thanks for reading!
Last edited by Elrodeus; 29/04/13 06:23 PM.