Originally Posted by Asyreon
Originally Posted by theBlackDragon
No QTEs at all *ever*. QTEs need to die in a fire, get buried in a pit without bottom and just generally disappear along with whichever moron thought them up.

I appreciate constructive answers, and I can't help but expressing my sincere gratitude toward your intervention.
Now calm down ? If you want to pursue on the "moron" topic, let's do it in PM where we will liberally discuss about our respective opinions.
Subject closed on this point.

I really dislike QTEs and I thought the reason why they suck would be more obvious than it obviously is, so here goes:

QTEs are a "mechanic" that makes you mash buttons during what is essentially a cut-scene to make you feel "actively involved". They detract from actually watching said cutscene and can lead to loads of frustration if they only allow for a very short timespan in which to mash said buttons resulting in you spending more time watching for the QTE than actually enjoying the cutscene. This quite obviously interferes with immersion. In the worst case they require mouse buttons mashing, which I, as someone that had to go to some effort to not acquire RSI, especially can't exactly appreciate.

QTEs are never a good idea and are imho a direct result of bad game design and as such they need to go.

Note that what you suggested in your earlier post aren't really QTEs, but I dislike such mechanics anyway in these kinds of games. They are something I associate with beat-em-ups where you have to create combos. This game is turn based, forcing timed button mashing of any kind into a turn based game is just a big no-no in my book.

Last edited by theBlackDragon; 04/05/13 07:11 PM.

* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.

It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...