Yes, I find the mechanics of the secund (Boat, mounts, siege engine,...) are very good, but the main problem is the level design: too linear, lot of big empty place (example: when you finish the tuto, you follow a path but with nothing. No enemy, no Object), mechanics not enough used (The boat is the perfect example: first map: OK, good tutorial. Secund map: Good for to masterize it, you even gain a new boat. And then? No more boat. I was hugely deceived by that), one real boss (the spider. I don't consider the final boss as a boss, since you only put the red and wait.), fight is generally more a puzzle than a fight (Find how desorganize the soldiers), you nearly never need to return on the old map (In the first, one of the big good point, was to re-explore the old map with the new minion to discover the new things).

A point that I like in the second: You really choose between domination and destruction. No more Good and Evil as in the first.
A point that I like and was deceived at the same time: The tower. I find the tower great, lot of fun to explore it. But the lack of personalisation bothers me. In the first, you clearly see wich mistress you choosed, you couldn't confound. In the secund, you upgrade the tower, but there isn't a lot of difference between the different mistresses.
I think they took too much time and they had to hurry.(That also would explain why the last zone is so empty)

I hope they will keep all the mechanics of the second but work harder on the level design.

PS: The developpers said they loved make a new one, but work on a other game for now.

Last edited by Ovnidemon; 06/05/13 01:04 AM.

PS: Sorry for my bad English