Joined: Sep 2011
I don't like QTE because it tends to be tedious and annoying. Don't also suggest something like this (Arx Fatalis Spell casting) just look at how failed the spell casting system @ 1:22 (it is due to real time though). Again, it will be tedious. JournalI don't know if it was suggested already, but it's better to have a journal that is organized not on a first come first serve basis. It's hard to navigate when there's a lot of info in a journal that is disorganized. I suggest something like from a summary perspective -> details (own notes of the adventurer *pre made notes by the writers for convenience*)-> dialogue of the key NPC. A sample below: - Four statues
[-]Statue on the west side of the beach [--]Old man said: "It can be found on the west side of the beach"
It can also create an opportunity to confuse (IE troll) if there are inconsistent quest points (IE one said it's on the west. The other said it's on the east), but those inconsistencies will likely trigger the player to explore the other side of the coin even if it is for naught just for curiousity sake. I do hope the notes on map will still be implemented.
"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"
Joined: Apr 2013
No QTEs at all *ever*. QTEs need to die in a fire, get buried in a pit without bottom and just generally disappear along with whichever moron thought them up.
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
Joined: Jul 2012
So you're saying QTE should go away or what?
Look it stands to reason...You can't eat 'cos you don't have a stomach!
Joined: Apr 2013
So you're saying QTE should go away or what? Yes. They're an uninspired unfun mechanic.
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
Joined: Apr 2013
This game is not Minecraft, so I'm quite sure that letting players modify terrain to divert rivers would indeed require far too many resources to implement. I'm sure you know that they didn't have the resources to do a traits and talents thing until the KS, and that seems far less complicated. In that specific example it'd require to manage the flow of liquids and the possibility to shape the terrain in real-time. I have no idea how hard is it to implement these feature but they're not that uncommon, so we can reasonnably believe it can be envisaged without consuming much ressources. But well, it was an example and I didn't think it'd actually be taken seriously. I doubt we'll have an official answer to close this debate, it's a particularly precise question, but it's worth trying. No QTEs at all *ever*. QTEs need to die in a fire, get buried in a pit without bottom and just generally disappear along with whichever moron thought them up. I appreciate constructive answers, and I can't help but expressing my sincere gratitude toward your intervention. Now calm down ? If you want to pursue on the "moron" topic, let's do it in PM where we will liberally discuss about our respective opinions. Subject closed on this point.
Joined: Apr 2013
No QTEs at all *ever*. QTEs need to die in a fire, get buried in a pit without bottom and just generally disappear along with whichever moron thought them up. I appreciate constructive answers, and I can't help but expressing my sincere gratitude toward your intervention. Now calm down ? If you want to pursue on the "moron" topic, let's do it in PM where we will liberally discuss about our respective opinions. Subject closed on this point. I really dislike QTEs and I thought the reason why they suck would be more obvious than it obviously is, so here goes: QTEs are a "mechanic" that makes you mash buttons during what is essentially a cut-scene to make you feel "actively involved". They detract from actually watching said cutscene and can lead to loads of frustration if they only allow for a very short timespan in which to mash said buttons resulting in you spending more time watching for the QTE than actually enjoying the cutscene. This quite obviously interferes with immersion. In the worst case they require mouse buttons mashing, which I, as someone that had to go to some effort to not acquire RSI, especially can't exactly appreciate. QTEs are never a good idea and are imho a direct result of bad game design and as such they need to go. Note that what you suggested in your earlier post aren't really QTEs, but I dislike such mechanics anyway in these kinds of games. They are something I associate with beat-em-ups where you have to create combos. This game is turn based, forcing timed button mashing of any kind into a turn based game is just a big no-no in my book.
Last edited by theBlackDragon; 04/05/13 07:11 PM.
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
Joined: Apr 2013
I understand your frustration regarding QTEs for I myself don't appreciate not being able to watch a cutscenes in peace, however the fact we have a turn-based game pretty much obviate this feeling in the sense we're not spectators but actors and that we're already involved in the fight. Given the fact they're situationals, their role would mainly be to implement another kind of management. The idea here was to take advantage of the time limit and exploit it as a kind of "ressource", though the term is improper I admit. If anyone have a better idea (item-based management for example ?) I'd be glad to discuss it, but I sincerely think the use of the most powerful skills should be somehow limited.
Thanks for clarifying your thought anyway.
Joined: Jan 2009
The most powerful skills can be limited by things that don't require a QTE.
Action points, mana cost, channeling time (more than one turn needed to prepare before a spell can be cast, cooldown time (number of turns needed before a spell can be cast again).
Joined: Apr 2013
The most powerful skills can be limited by things that don't require a QTE.
Action points, mana cost, channeling time (more than one turn needed to prepare before a spell can be cast, cooldown time (number of turns needed before a spell can be cast again). Powerful spells will require more than on turn, Swen mentioned this during one of the playthrough sessions (afraid I don't remember which one though)
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
Joined: May 2013
Joined: Apr 2013
Id like a power fist please  like in warhammer 40k
Death and glory!
Joined: Nov 2010
One thing I've always wanted to have is a game which completely changed the quests depending on your alignment. Usually I find that regardless of your choices you still follow basically the same quest lines regardless if your playing as "good" or "evil"
I hope someday someone is going to make a game where you really change good vs evil and that the quests reflect that change.
example would be a good player would be sent to help someone in a certain situation, an evil player would be sent to kill someone. Same quest just completely different objectives. But I understand from a game perspective this is pretty much like making two different games in one. Still would love to see it done someday
Joined: Mar 2003
I finally had the opportunity to watch the first hour of the kickstarter countdown video. Cool stuff. Mouse pointer & running speedsMouse pointer changes according to what action you are performing. Most things are already in apparently, although it might be worth trying out using arrow graphics for movement like in Ultima VII (see screenshot a couple posts back). Also, how about different running speeds? We have walking and jogging (like in Divinity 1) -- another one would be sprinting for a short time. Talking, Yelling, WhisperingWhen Swen and David were at the market place, various NPCs offered their goods for sale. ![[Linked Image]](http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/7143/divmarket.jpg) They all were simply talking and there was no way to distinguish between different types of utterances. There's gameplay enhancements in here, somewhere. Consider this: - Talking
Standard overhead text that appears above NPCs heads, like in the video. If the player character is offscreen, you don't see the text. - YELLING
... or even just "Yelling!" in a different color. This is for NPCs trying to sell stuff on the market or damsels in distress calling for HELP! You can see the text over NPCs' heads as usual if you are nearby, but you can also see the text when the NPC is not on the screen. The text would be at the side of the screen in the direction the shout is coming from. This would make for a busy market place / town and a quieter wilderness. You could add the name of the NPC yelling (to account for voice differences). - whispering
You need to get closer than normal to be able to hear an NPC whispering, like a shady dealer in a corner, or a wounded soldier trying to tell you something with his last breath. This could even be tied to the hearing / awareness stat: If your hearing is good enough, at normal range you might see the text "(whipser, whisper)" -- if you get closer, you can hear what's being said. Item (graphics) progressionIn the video one character had a bow and soon equipped a better bow. The new one looked a lot cooler than the one before, IIRC. I'm not sure how long the game is supposed to be, but I'd expect to only find really cool looking weapons much later in the game. For a better sense of progression, I'd think there'd be only very simple looking short or long bows and other items in the beginning, getting fancier and more powerful- looking later on. I'd even go as far as removing magic weapons altogether in the first few hours -- much more fun if you do finally find magic weapons.
Joined: Apr 2013
Mouse pointer & running speeds [...] Also, how about different running speeds? We have walking and jogging (like in Divinity 1) -- another one would be sprinting for a short time. I can only speak for myself, but I never walk when I have enough stamina to run. And when I don't, I drink a potion/check my inventory or quest log until my stamina is full. I don't think a third option would be that useful, except for hardcore role-players (maybe). Talking, Yelling, Whispering [...] I like the idea regarding the "whispering text" which would fade/brighten according to your distance from the NPC. As for yelling, capital letters or an exclamation mark do the job well enough, so the colour is not needed imo. It could even be annoying. The text at the sides of the screen, on the other hand, sounds cool but, esthetically, in a busy market, it would result in a gross overcrowding of the edges. But well, not every NPCs are shouting and not every places are congested, so why not.
Last edited by Asyreon; 06/05/13 02:44 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Something that I hugely wish: A library in your home. In DD, I love the number of books, but it's a shame that you need to pick up the book and place it yourself in the library of your choice. And once placed, if you need to re-read a specific book, you need to reread a lot until you find it
So my idea: you still need to pick the books (or steal them), but once in your home, you can put all your books in the library with a single button. And the library shows the list of book that you have discover, and read them. Though, you still can take the books (By example: A treasure map: To avoid the need to return to your home, you take the book with you.)
PS: Maybe all of this is already include with the notebook.
PS: Sorry for my bad English
Joined: Jan 2009
Yessss... a library! I love that idea. Basically no games have that unless you build it yourself, and then it's usually not very organized. After you upgrade your homestead to a certain point, there's a library, and every book you've read is added to it - except for some special books usually associated with quests. Even books you read from before finding the homestead. To keep things simple, the keyword system would be very useful there: With as many subdivisions as are needed, until there's an alphabetical list of titles. You wouldn't be able to take them with you, though (so you couldn't sell books infinitely). Oh, related, I'd also like the ability to read books without picking them up. I missed that in Divinity 2.
Joined: Apr 2005
Yes, great idea about the library !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Aug 2012
hmmmmmm from a personnal point of view, I like QTE because it is a way to being involve in cinematics and choose the faith of your character. But I understand people who just want to play and tend to skip the cinematics.
The main problem with QTE is that when the editors use them, they tend to put soooooooo many cinematics in their game that you do not know if it is a game anymore or an interactive movie... (God knows that I trully love Mass Effect but it is a typical example of abuse !!)
So wether they implement it or not I will be glad, but I think that the dialogue system replace this "QTE" system, you have the choice, you just do not have to react in en certain amount of time and in a game such as Divinity where a situation can end up in different way depending on what you say, QTE would be a loss, the player should have time to think the consequences of his acts
"-Oh that's fullmoon, cuttie cuttie sheep -baaaaaaOOOOORGH" ***Sprotch***
Weresheeps will rule the world (At least one night every 29 days)
Joined: Apr 2013
+1 for the library.
That would be much better than Skyrim's ten books repeated and then a few skills books scattered throughout the world, also better than DAOs book-badge-hunting.
Also, +1 for reading letters, books and what not when you click on them in situ, that's a lovely feature in DD, just make sure that font sizes and the like are scalable and adaptable. So many CRPGs are hurting because of the lack of that as they have aged and monitors have become more highrez.
I got Comment 33,333 at the legendary Larian KS for D:OS
Joined: Mar 2011
+1 for the library, considering the amount of books you can find, it will be really good to have access to an library in your shelter.
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