Originally Posted by WotanAnubis
And I want other people to like videogames. But it gets kind of hard to persuade people when games, by and large, seem to revel in being juvenile*.
"Man, i really want other people to like movies but transformer 2 exists and somehow that makes citizen kane and the whole medium juvenile" Nope, sorry, i can't get behind that mentality at all, most of the mainstream cinema (music and literature) is not exactly mature or even good, Sturgeon's Law, but jumping from that to dooming cinematography as a whole is a big logical leap, who are this "lets disregard the whole medium because some juvenile games dare to exist" people anyway? I don't know many guys with such flawed logic, but they seem to be a huge concern for people trying to push political correctness, a more cynical person would take it as a really lame excuse to try to make developers cater to their personal tastes (not that I am one wink ). Why do we want this judgmental pricks anyway? You want other people to like games but being a little selective is not always bad