Originally Posted by kno127
[rant on]
I was delighted when i found out, that larian makes a kickstarter. thus i backed it instantly, since i already knew their work from all other games.

But these discussions about women and their clothing/body or whatever is starting to wear me down and now i find out larian did not only self-censor D:OS but also Dragon Commander..

It hurts me to the bones that they would do such a thing, compromising their integrity, just to please a minotiry, most of whom probably wont even buy a/the game. As a result of this i will probably not back another kickstarterproject nor buy any other game . it will not be a big change, the last few years i only played some very special chosen games. and i guess most devs/publisher can live without one buyer. but i am guessing there will be more that feel this way soon.

well with this i am off. goodbye
[rant off]

First: Do your research. Second: Do your research. Third: You know the drill.

Quoting Macbeth(lead writer):
Originally Posted by Macbeth

P.S. And about the player-is-male-by-default issue. This is a result of the inevitable changes and challenges that befall development. Yes, in the beginning you could be male or female and marry a male or female: your choice. First we made the story lines of the princesses with the idea we could make a male version out of them, but it turned out that wouldn't really work out that well and that we'd need new story lines entirely for the princes. Because of time restraints that failed to materialise. That's really too bad, but there is really nothing more to it.

Can be found here: http://www.larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=465167&page=1
TL;DR Larian won't ruin the integrity of the game if they could handle it. As quoted above, they initially made DC not exclusive with one gender, but kept only one male lead so as to retain the so called integrity you kept on spouting.

Anyhow, playing different gender with different branching increases replayability to me. A win-win situation for role playing gamers.

Last edited by henryv; 11/05/13 01:07 AM.

"There is no such thing as absolute freedom because we are still prisoners of society"