I still have questions as well.

1) Will there still be racially aligned countries in the single-player campaign that will be influenced by our decisions (like revolting against Aurora if pleased with you, and against you if you anger them)?

2) Decisions you make will give you a card from a certain person. Will you always get the same card from the same decision, -OR- is the card you get chosen at random from a pool of possible cards from that person, -OR- is the card you get chosen at random from all cards?

3) Will the use of some cards like “Genocide population” have an effect on your standing with the races? In a previous demo, you used a “Prisoner Recruits” card on a territory, and it was mentioned that the prisoners were less disciplined and could be troublesome.

I think it makes sense for certain cards to also have obvious negative effects – Prisoner Recruits would lower the approval of whatever home race of the country I use it on. Genocide should have a negative effect on my overall standing with some races that hate that, a neutral or positive effect on some races that don’t mind or admire my efficiency and an additional negative effect that stacks on top with the home race of the country I use it on. Maybe some cards that have positive effects could also slightly improve standing with the home country race.

4) The multiplayer has a variable world size, from like 30 to 100 or so countries. The Twitch TV stream suggested that was also in the single-player campaign as well. Does the single-player campaign have a variable or fixed world size?

5) Can you pause the (single-player) game in the RTS phase?

6) Can you save in mid-RTS battle? Can you save any time on the Raven?

7) Is there a difference (in resource cost) between how your Dragon spawns in single-and multiplayer? Does it always cost resources to spawn, or only after you die once? Is the resource cost for re-spawning tied to a cooldown timer?

8) What is the system if two warring factions move into multiple countries at the same time? Can you fight multiple battles in one turn in RTS mode, or can you pick and choose specific countries to take on in RTS and some to auto-resolve?

9) Are the Generals themselves (not just the cards they provide) useful on the Strategy and/or RTS maps? Can you deploy a general to a country on the strategy map to give it a bonus (and possible malus, if the general’s relations with that country’s race are poor)? Does a General do anything in RTS mode?

10) When your capital territory is invaded, you do get a chance to defend it, right? Do the capital territories look different than regular countries? (can you see the capital building or something on the RTS map?)

11) You can surrender battles - what does that mean for the defeated party's units? What is the survival rate for the defeated party's units, and where do retreated units end up on the strategy map after the battle?