Joined: Apr 2013
A cape with a wheresheep on the back would be amazing! haha
Joined: Apr 2013
A cape with a wheresheep on the back would be amazing! haha The master sheep likes that.....but then it has to be a woolen cape!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2004
I think it would ruin the game  A cape with a wheresheep on the back would be amazing! haha
Joined: Apr 2013
I can see myself making a ton of additional content when I get my hands on the editor.
Joined: Aug 2012
A cape with a wheresheep on the back would be amazing! haha yeah or a cape with the skin of the king of weresheep !! that would be a really cool eastern egg hahahaha
"-Oh that's fullmoon, cuttie cuttie sheep -baaaaaaOOOOORGH" ***Sprotch***
Weresheeps will rule the world (At least one night every 29 days)
Joined: May 2013
Meowmic Republic of Sin
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2004
Weresheep are fanatically non-thinking evil. The only sort of player that would whorship such a beast would be one that goes on a rampage pillaging towns. While you are free to play such a character; it clearly won't (in culture sense) be considered a hero. - Wearing a cape made from the skin of the slain weresheep is very different than wearing a cap with the picture of a weresheep. - And this is why I am anti-weresheep and dislike the idea of an official cape with the image of one; they are fanatically evil and contradictory to the previous portrayal of the hero. - You all (sheeper's) should be the society of Weresheep slayers; not society of weresheeps.
Last edited by meme; 28/05/13 05:32 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Weresheep are fanatically non-thinking evil. The only sort of player that would whorship such a beast would be one that goes on a rampage pillaging towns. While you are free to play such a character; it clearly won't (in culture sense) be considered a hero. - Wearing a cape made from the skin of the slain weresheep is very different than wearing a cap with the picture of a weresheep. - And this is why I am anti-weresheep and dislike the idea of an official cape with the image of one; they are fanatically evil and contradictory to the previous portrayal of the hero. - You all (sheeper's) should be the society of Weresheep slayers; not society of weresheeps. Black Dragons tend to be chaotic evil. I think I can relate to Weresheep just fine.
* as usual this is imho (unless stated otherwise); feel free to disagree, ignore or try to change my mind. Agreeing with me is ofc also allowed, but makes for much worse flamewarsarguments.
It is a full moon night and ... bèèè! ... the Weresheep are out...
Joined: Apr 2013
A cape with a wheresheep on the back would be amazing! haha yeah or a cape with the skin of the king of weresheep !! that would be a really cool eastern egg hahahaha Bahhhhhh, I tend to stick to my skin....
Joined: Aug 2012
let's make weresheep tatoo^^
"-Oh that's fullmoon, cuttie cuttie sheep -baaaaaaOOOOORGH" ***Sprotch***
Weresheeps will rule the world (At least one night every 29 days)
Joined: Apr 2013
has the gauntlet weapon type been requested?
Joined: Apr 2005
I want to see in D:OS a cool alchemy laboratorium in a secret cellar of a house or castle somewhere (to discover) ... owned by a Archmage or Wizard or Sorceress ... who give you a strange quest you defenitely must search and talk with some NPC's to find more out about that crazy old wizard (or whatever he, she or "it" can be!) and about the quest description ... it will be great if a NPC or a place/statue/book give you such a strange/crazy sounding quest-description that you in first place certainly think : "What to do ... WHAT TO DO .... ??!??!??" And btw, I've still nothing heart about "Alchemy" : very curious how alchemy/herbs/making potions will be implemented in D:OS ! Hope something funny like in DD & even better and a more freaking awesome alchemy system !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jun 2013
One of the characteristic that i loved in Divine Divinity was the dark atmosphere everywhere, so i hope so see this element in this one.
Joined: May 2013
I don't know well the Divinity saga but I really love summons !!
Meowmic Republic of Sin
Joined: Apr 2013
Im sure there will be a lot of secret area's and magic locations, like caves behind water falls, doors hidden behind bookcases, lost vaults that can be open only with a lost key. I cant wait 
Death and glory!
Joined: Apr 2013
I want to see in D:OS a cool alchemy laboratorium in a secret cellar of a house or castle somewhere (to discover) ... owned by a Archmage or Wizard or Sorceress ... who give you a strange quest you defenitely must search and talk with some NPC's to find more out about that crazy old wizard (or whatever he, she or "it" can be!) and about the quest description ... it will be great if a NPC or a place/statue/book give you such a strange/crazy sounding quest-description that you in first place certainly think : "What to do ... WHAT TO DO .... ??!??!??" And btw, I've still nothing heart about "Alchemy" : very curious how alchemy/herbs/making potions will be implemented in D:OS ! Hope something funny like in DD & even better and a more freaking awesome alchemy system ! Love your idea Joram
Death and glory!
Joined: Apr 2005
I don't know well the Divinity saga but I really love summons !! Yeah, summons are cool !  DD & DKS have both cool summons !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Aug 2009
A new idea can be music. As you know not everyone likes the same music and same NPCs "might not like" the normal tavern music, and they have to go into a cellar under a pub in some random village where the people play with magical instruments some metal, techno, goth or rap. It would be just funny wo walk into a cellar and 25 people/monsters headbang to some metal.
Joined: Apr 2013
My wish is to find a nice girl who likes rpg games as much as me, so we can play Divinity original sin. The last gamer girl left me cuz her parents sent her away with studies. 
Death and glory!
Joined: Aug 2012
Larian-meetic.com hahahaha
"-Oh that's fullmoon, cuttie cuttie sheep -baaaaaaOOOOORGH" ***Sprotch***
Weresheeps will rule the world (At least one night every 29 days)
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