Originally Posted by Joram
I want to see in D:OS a cool alchemy laboratorium in a secret cellar of a house or castle somewhere (to discover) ... owned by a Archmage or Wizard or Sorceress ... who give you a strange quest you defenitely must search and talk with some NPC's to find more out about that crazy old wizard (or whatever he, she or "it" can be!) and about the quest description ... it will be great if a NPC or a place/statue/book give you such a strange/crazy sounding quest-description that you in first place certainly think : "What to do ... WHAT TO DO .... ??!??!??"

And btw, I've still nothing heart about "Alchemy" : very curious how alchemy/herbs/making potions will be implemented in D:OS ! Hope something funny like in DD & even better and a more freaking awesome alchemy system ! biggrin

Love your idea Joram

Death and glory!