Suggestion: In Dragon mode, the blue bar doesn't appear to do anything. I guess it used to be a mana bar before the Dragon was switched to cooldown-based attacks. Assuming that doesn't change, maybe use that blue bar as an additional display of your Jetpack's charge? (Yes, I did see the tooltip that said that the Jetpack's charge is indicated by the colour of the flame.)
Suggestion: When in RTS mode, Escape is used for "Cancel", which is fine, but when there is nothing to cancel, I would like Escape to bring up the menu. It took me a little while when I was first starting to spot the menu button, and even now, it's still my instinct to hit Escape before remembering the button.
In Dragon mode, Escape is used for "Cancel active skill", again that's fine, but maybe if there is no active skill it could also bring up the menu?
Suggestion: Entirely optional, but perhaps the Devastator (when selected in siege mode) could display a ring showing its maximum range.
Suggestion: I guess the notification system isn't fully implemented yet, so this may already be planned, but when a Dragon is defeated in Dragon-Dragon combat, I'd like a message displayed to all players. ("Bob defeated Harry in Dragon-to-Dragon combat!")
Suggestion: When you're near your unit cap and try to build something, there should be a voice clip that tells you something like "Not enough Support." In a recent game, I tried to build a Juggernaut and couldn't, the button did nothing. I thought it was a bug and it took me a minute to realize that I was near my Support cap and couldn't build more.
Last edited by Stabbey; 24/06/13 01:45 PM. Reason: additional Escape button suggestion