Joined: Apr 2013
Man, woman, or something in between (cus you can do that).
i don't think you're able to do that in saints row the third, i remember doing it in saintsrow 2, i always left it in the middle. it really made no sense what so ever, but it was hilarious
Joined: Apr 2013
Was serious =p and I have not played any other games..aside from the very first one. So figured could not hurt to ask here. I do thank you all who gave serious replies and kept the trolling out of it.
Joined: Apr 2013
i was actually talking about voodoou, i know you were being serious  also, if you can stomach fairly mediocre action RPG gameplay, you should try ego draconis and flames of vengeance. The combat is pretty bad in my opinion but it has a great story and a ton of stuff to mess around with, like talking to a skeleton and asking him how it is possible for him to move & stuff, i won't go on, but it's pretty funny if you keep asking him about it
Last edited by deamento; 03/07/13 11:37 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
ahh neat! will have to look into it. thanks much!
Joined: Mar 2003
Gamersgate has the Divinity Anthology on sale for $10, or individual games at 66% off (use the code derp for 7% off the cheapest item in an order there). The Larian Vault also has a discount for the Anthology, and GOG has each of the games at half price (for the summer sale, ending in a couple days).
Last edited by Raze; 04/07/13 03:15 AM. Reason: change of discount code
Joined: Apr 2013
oh thanks Raze! I keep forgetting about GOG ><
Joined: Apr 2013
ok so the two games ppl listed as forcing you to be a lesbian I have never heard of.. perhaps I should have stated major games.. and saints row?!?! really?!?!?! you should EXPECT that one to not be female friendly..its part of their deal to be very "male". I am sorry OP but it really does sound like you are looking for an issue where there just isnt one. If you have played the other Larian games you would know they are very female friendly games and you should not compare them to abominations like Saints Row >.< I mean thats like comparing Sonic to Leisure Suit Larry. Looking for an issue? woah lets back up. you and Watser can step down right now. The orig post is not angry, is not demanding.. its a simple question. Now both of you can take your lil troll boxes and go fail troll some other post. getting lil bleh of alot of you guys on here trying to start lil trolly fights in simple posts...so calm down, take a breath..its gonna be ok. I am most certainly being serious and if you had read my posts you would know I am most certainly NOT a "guy". The only game you could suggest is not a serious game and has a purple dildo as a weapon... how could you EVER think that game would be "female friendly" in your eyes... I gave you an argument, I didnt name call or go on the defensive as you and I was trying to show you that perhaps you are being silly or not looking at things correctly. I was being fairly nice. I greatly agree having heard you have only played the first game that you should play Divinity 2... its an excellent game and will show you what to expect from D:OS.
Joined: Apr 2013
If you disagree you are automatically labeled as a troll, live with it.
Joined: May 2013
Or disagree to that, prove your point, make the other person look like an idiot/arse/whatever the case may be and win dignity points.
Unless otherwise specified, just an opinion or simple curiosity.
Joined: Apr 2013
Well let's start with this, what is the definition of something female friendly? Redstockings feminists approved? It certainly can't contain violence because we all know females will faint in the arms of her heroic knight by the sight of bloodshed.
Both males and females are turned into sex objects in commercials/branding, depending on your audience. Why? Sex sells and it's getting very very old, but it works. Hell the music videos I see today are far more generic towards the female gender than saints row or any other video game I can think of is.
If you were to make a game where immersion is important (note, immersion is not important in saints row 3), like an RPG, and you were to introduce a flirting option, it wouldn't make any sense to only make this available for the males. Besides we can already bicker at eachother using charm, that's basically the same no?
Joined: Aug 2009
Dont try to make something up!
The original question was just if male and female genders have he same options in game. If i.e. "flirting responds" of Npcs wouldnt be the same if the character is male or female.
Ellary used with Saints Row a big exxageration. It is there to point out that it didnt matter wether you played a male or female. Every Npc reacts as if you are a male.
She didnt compared any other aspects of D:OS and saints row. Just this one part. To make her point clear. This has nothing to do with a femenistic view. This has to do with realism. It is unrealistic if Npcs react to your female the same way they would react to a male character.
In example : if a man tries to flirt with another (hetero) man the other man would find it weird, but when a woman flirts to him he would respond positive. Thats realistic.
Got it? Thats all!
Joined: Apr 2013
aww watser you are so adorable! more attempts at trying to make flirting into something it's not. So since you wanna go the red stockings path. watser I hate to break it to ya..thats not flirting. Now I can't say what that is here in case there are under aged members. But I suggest you google, wait what am I thinking...let me do it for you.
Flirting... Behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but without serious intentions: "it amused him to flirt with her". Experiment with or show a superficial interest in (an idea, activity, or movement) without committing oneself to it seriously.
I see no red stockings listed, no heroic males and damsels falling into their arms.I welcome more attempts to turn my question into the, well again might be under aged on here so keeping the posts clean..
Voodoou I really don't pay attention to the gender of other posters,sorry~ I can expect a female friendly game as its 2013 and its time games stop following the same cookie cutter path. Female gamers are here n staying, You may not care..but I like making my own character.. an no I don't make strong female characters~ I make cute physically weak supports! cause that is whats fun for me personally, as I am sure you enjoy another path..and there is nothing wrong with that at all~ everyone should be able to enjoy their own path in games.
Big reminder again... Larian said they wanted to hear all fans thoughts, Not all of us will agree. This does not mean anyone should try and sabotage anyones questions/ideas.
Thanks to those of you who saw it was just a harmless question and gave some insight on the other larian games I missed out on playing, it helped me gain a better understanding that things most likely will be fair.
*hugs* Happy Gaming!
Last edited by Ellary; 04/07/13 11:02 PM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Ellary im talking about the term "female friendly", is that feminism in your book or is that the typical picture of the weaker gender?
How does Dragon Commander fall into all of this to you? Is it anti-female because you can only play as a prince, a royal boy, who is later forced to marry a princess for diplomatic and politic advantages? I'm sure that must seem outrageous for you, marrying someone not out of love, that has to be anti-female right
And how you somehow manage to link the redstockings feminists with flirting I am absolutely clueless
Last edited by watser; 05/07/13 06:54 AM.
Joined: Apr 2013
Ellary im talking about the term "female friendly", is that feminism in your book or is that the typical picture of the weaker gender?
How does Dragon Commander fall into all of this to you? Is it anti-female because you can only play as a prince, a royal boy, who is later forced to marry a princess for diplomatic and politic advantages? I'm sure that must seem outrageous for you, marrying someone not out of love, that has to be anti-female right
And how you somehow manage to link the redstockings feminists with flirting I am absolutely clueless Well let's start with this, what is the definition of something female friendly? Redstockings feminists approved? It certainly can't contain violence because we all know females will faint in the arms of her heroic knight by the sight of bloodshed. Watser, she's been saying from the beginning that she just wants the option to flirt with men as a woman, have the game treat her female character as a typical feminine woman and not as a "butch" or "masculine" or even male character. You brought up the redstocking thing, as the above quote illustrates, so the clueless comment really is reading as trolling now. If you don't want to be treated as a troll, don't act like one.
Joined: Jul 2013
Ellary im talking about the term "female friendly", is that feminism in your book or is that the typical picture of the weaker gender?
How does Dragon Commander fall into all of this to you? Is it anti-female because you can only play as a prince, a royal boy, who is later forced to marry a princess for diplomatic and politic advantages? I'm sure that must seem outrageous for you, marrying someone not out of love, that has to be anti-female right
And how you somehow manage to link the redstockings feminists with flirting I am absolutely clueless What has Dragon Commander to do with this? She´s talking about Original Sin.
Metal is like an apple: It´s all good except the Core...
Joined: Apr 2013
watser back for more! and now ya confusing me? female friendly is now a feminism thing? I am learning all kinds of things here on the forums ^-^.
Dragon commander? as stated by others unsure what that has to do with my post either....I was asking about the turn based rpg game Divinity Original sin. So I think ya now trying to hard to troll..getting sloppy!
"And how you somehow manage to link the redstockings feminists with flirting I am absolutely clueless" Ya know I have to admit I had to sit here a moment and kinda blink...really? who taught you how to troll...you can't start something, then try and turn it around when a few posts back you stated it...gosh trolls these days...so unskilled~ *pat pats watser* it's kay,I know ya trying your best.
Ok! now here is the thank you list, due to the positive replies I now understand Larian is a fair company, Have also looked into other games and the females actually looked female so yay! OK! thank you and hugs to: Raze Marius Voinescu Divinity4Life197 worri3db3ar twincast Endre Helena L sagamov Prax X-tasy Arkham deamento Draghermosran Jonlevir Soulcollector
listed in order of posts ^-^ thanks guys n gals!
pst pst watser, if you look back a few months in the forums. I did a post about long hair! ya know...that one might be easier to troll...just sayin..just sayin...
Last edited by Ellary; 05/07/13 10:21 PM.
Joined: Oct 2009
Keep on fighting the good fight.
Don't let the trolls get to you. Bitterness, it seems, can lead some people to get stupid stuff up in their heads, like waging wars that are even more imaginary than the virtual settings of our video-games. Just leave them to their backyard squabbles that no one serious pays attention to anyway.
The only thing that matters in the end is that we get good games to play (and hopefully an even better editor to mod with in the case of D:OS). The last time I checked everyone on these boards was entitled to express their opinions, and deliver feedback and wishes to Larian to achieve such a goal.
PS : In the case that my motives get scrutinized, I feel the need to state that I am male, hetero, with an adorable gal in my life, and therefore posted with no other intent than to voice my delight at having more female gamers play and enjoy the same games that I do.
Joined: Apr 2013
As said at the beginning, I'm curious at what you consider female friendly. Is it gender neutrality or is it pro-female (hence the feminists) Reason why I'm also curious about your stand on the DC story
Note I did not link feminism to flirting, you did that.
Joined: Aug 2009
DC was never the point. The point was that NPC react to female charaters as if their female. That is female gamer friendly. Since you cant play a female in DC it doenst matter in any way.
Joined: Apr 2013
As said at the beginning, I'm curious at what you consider female friendly. Is it gender neutrality or is it pro-female (hence the feminists) Reason why I'm also curious about your stand on the DC story
Note I did not link feminism to flirting, you did that. Really? Might wanna go back and read most of your posts. watser just stop, there is nothing else to troll and now ya just making yourself look worse. Dragon Commander I looked at it on steam...it lists you play as a prince. So what is it you want me to say about it? My question was about flirting. It was not a complaint on genders offered in the game or anything. Was a simple question. You took it upon yourself to blow it out of proportion. Should really be more open minded, not every gamer plays a badass~ some of us like a gentle type character who is rather cute and innocently flirts. Now kindly stop the lil trolly attempts, They won't work here. And yes I am labeling you as a troll. I have other topics where players disagreed, but it was done in the proper way. They did not go out on the attack and try and make things sound worse then they are. a big thanks again to everyone who expressed a view without trying bend the question into something horrible.
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian