Joined: Jun 2013
As per topic title, I cannot enter into any Battles it seems.
This applies to skirmishes or any battles that take place on the multiplayer campaign map (I was playing the AI to practice)
Basically all that happens is I get the loading screen then the screen goes completely blank and the game crashes.
Running windows7 X64 on a Dell XPS L702x, 6GB ram, 128GB SSD, 750GB hdd 3GB GT555M.
Nvidia driver 320.18, I did send the crashdumps in so hopefully it might yield some clue as to why it's falling over.
Last edited by Dragon2611; 28/06/13 09:50 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
Was this with the latest patch ? ?
Joined: Jun 2013
It's whatever the current Public Steam build is, as I only downloaded it earlier this evening.
Right it's working now it was either 1 of 2 things.
1) My USB DAC (Topping TP30)
2) AVG CloudCare Antivirus
I'm leaning towards 2 tbh,
I tried disabling AVG and it didn't seem to help so I unplugged the Topping DAC/AMP and it started working... However completely co-incidentally whilst I was testing with the DAC unplugged AVG decided to go and update itself to a new version. (It was definitely more than just a definitions update)
I've reconnected the topping and it still works at the moment even after a reboot which is why I'm leaning towards it being an AVG Issue.
The AVG build is now 2013.0.3345, this if from Cloudcare so not sure if the build number is the same as the retail package.
Old AVG build was probably 2013.0.3336 as that's what's on one of my other machines that hasn't updated yet.
Last edited by Dragon2611; 28/06/13 10:24 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
Ok - thank you for letting us know & have fun with the beta!
Joined: Apr 2013
Did you use the "tutorial" I made to play with a Nvidia GTM555 ?
If it crash when the textures should load, go in your steam directory, find the app Dragon Commander, right click on it and configure the graphic card you want to use.
It is by default the low graphic card ... Which crashes just like hell... Enjoy the beta (if it solves your problem, or else)
Joined: Jun 2013
Did you use the "tutorial" I made to play with a Nvidia GTM555 ?
If it crash when the textures should load, go in your steam directory, find the app Dragon Commander, right click on it and configure the graphic card you want to use.
It is by default the low graphic card ... Which crashes just like hell... Enjoy the beta (if it solves your problem, or else) You don't even need to do that with the newest nvidia drivers as it shows up in the recently used apps and you can select it from there. Anyway setting it to the Nvidia card didn't fix it in my case it was after the AVG update.
Joined: Jun 2013
Posting in here as well since I'm in a similar boat. Tried various of the assorted fixes scattered around (verifying steam cache, run as admin, compatibility mode, playing with graphics settings, disabling anti virus) and have come up empty. At first I thought it might have something to do with trying to play with AI settings, since I used to try and actually select an AI difficulty, the first time I left it at default it allowed me to play 3 or 4 battles before inevitably crashing to desktop after I let the game's auto battle take over.
Was able to submit all of my error dumps so hopefully that helps fix this. As for system specs: Win 7 64-bit, (currently) 8gb RAM, i5-3570K, Radeon 7870HD, all stock settings.
Joined: Jul 2013
Same here i got a Nvidia GeForce 240 and 4 gigs of ram.
I hear its due to the problem that steam has a limit to its applications of 2 gigabites and that solved it for some people. Used my Large Address aware program that enables steam applications to use more than 2 gigs of ram still didn't help with the crashes in battle.
Edit: lowered graphics to very low. managed to play one skirmish battle without CTDing but keep crashing when attempting to battle in mp campaign.
Last edited by Magus65; 01/07/13 01:19 PM.
Joined: Jul 2013
I'm having part of this issue. This is part of the Steam Beta, and I assume most up-to-date. I start a Multiplayer campaign with 1 Computer AI opponent on Easy. I can do anything on the overland map and it runs beautifully. I engage the computer in a territory. I'm able to select the 'General' (only dragon at the moment) and cards... but when I click "READY" it goes to a black screen and then the game crashes. This has happened twice so far. I can't enter Battle against an opponent in the Multiplayer Campaign. I CAN enter a Skirmish and play through that (although I only played Skirmish once and got killed pretty easily). I'm just saying that the actual battle isn't what's messed up for me, just the transition from the Overland map to the Battle map. This is Dragon Commander v1.0.101.9727 I'm running the game in 1920x1080 resolution and Ultra settings. My system stats: CPU: AMD FX-8120 (8-core 3.1GHz) GPU: GeForce GTX 550 Ti (1GB DDR5) RAM: 8GB DDR3 (1600) OS: Windows 7 Professional SP1 EDIT: Oh yeah, and I'm entering this information here, because when I try to use the in-game bug reporting, it gives me an error regarding 'unpacking' if I type ANYTHING in the comment area. It seems to submit fine if I don't type anything, which defeats the purpose of bug reporting. 
Last edited by Doji; 05/07/13 12:38 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Larian should still be able to tell that you crashed and how from a report, even if you can not give a description.
Have you tried auto-resolving a battle in the campaign mode? (sending in just the imperial army)
You can set the AI to None in a skirmish if you want to be able to take your time and get the hang of the mechanics and controls.
Joined: Jul 2013
I hadn't thought of the auto-resolve. I'll give that a try... but it sort of defeats the RTS portion of the game, and then I'm only playing a turn-based strategic/resource-gathering game with partially randomized battles.
I'm now more concerned about the blue screen crash I had after I submitted this post and I left DC running in the background while I tooled around other websites.
I'm pretty sure DC caused it... I've run Mechwarrior Online, which seems to strain my video card more than this and never crashed before. I think it froze once on MWO but never gave me a blue screen. I'm nervous about even starting the game now, I don't want to ruin my video card.
Joined: Mar 2003
Even if you don't want to play a whole game that way, knowing whether an auto-resolved battle works or not could help Larian narrow down what the problem is with your dragon-led battle crashes.
Hardware problems can cause blue screen errors, but a software crash is not going to damage hardware.
Joined: Jul 2013
I've had this issue as well, Campaign and Skirmish battles would crash while loading, however during my experimentation I turned on V-sync and it the battle loaded just fine. Not sure if it will work for you but works for me just fine.
Joined: Jan 2009
With patch 110, I've started getting a similar problem. Skirmish battles load fine - on all maps - but RTS battles in the Campaign crash as soon as the map loads (under 101, the RTS battles merely crashed randomly). I'll see if any fixes mentioned elsewhere help.
EDIT: Turning VSync on seemed to work. I'll have to try more to be sure, the match ended abruptly because of Desynchroniztion problems.
No, it crashed again on RTS startup, even with VSync on. Looks like I'll only be auto-resolving all battles from now on.
The one match where I was able to enter RTS mode was multiplayer with a person and some AI's.
Joined: Jan 2009
Hey, everyone who has the problem with Campaign mode crashing when it goes to RTS, are you playing 1v1v1v1, or 2v2?
Because for me, 1v1v1v1 battles crash all the time when starting an RTS map from the campaign mode, but team battles do not. Is that just my imagination, or is everyone crashing only on 1v1v1v1 and not 2v2 or 3v1?
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Moderator Emeritus
Joined: Dec 2012
I had the crash on 2v2 yesterday.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jun 2013
Hey, everyone who has the problem with Campaign mode crashing when it goes to RTS, are you playing 1v1v1v1, or 2v2?
Because for me, 1v1v1v1 battles crash all the time when starting an RTS map from the campaign mode, but team battles do not. Is that just my imagination, or is everyone crashing only on 1v1v1v1 and not 2v2 or 3v1? I haven't tried 2v2 or 3v1, don't really like teaming up with the AI. Will try it next time I can just to see. But my game crashes every time without fail on 1v1v1v1. Same way as the OP. And it has only done this since the last patch, before it worked fine. non-campaign skirmishes work fine.
Joined: Jul 2013
I experience the same, whenever I try to enter battle in the press demo 1.0.35. My configuration: -GeForce GTX 670 (newest drivers 320.49) -Intel Core i7-3820 -32 GB RAM -Windows 8 Pro I tried maximum video settings, lowest video settings and turning V Sync on - nothing helps.
Joined: Jan 2009
I just did more testing. 1v1 doesn't crash for me, but 1v1v1 does. I couldn't upload the files it said something went wrong during compression. Crashed at the start of an RTS battle, before the screen had fully faded in from black to the map, in Campaign mode where the campaign was a 1v1v1 (2 AI's). 2v2's, 3v1's and 1v1's do not have this problem, it's only when the Campaign has 3 or 4 factions that it crashes at the start of an RTS battle. Only factions of two countries were in the fight, perhaps the game is not sure where to start the other 1-2 factions that don't have any units in the fight. I had the crash on 2v2 yesterday. Just to be clear, did the game crash DURING the battle, but you could start it and play for a while, or did it crash right at the start, when the map was fading in from black?
Last edited by Stabbey; 07/07/13 01:32 PM. Reason: query
Joined: Jun 2011
I too have the same issue: I began a campaign against a single AI opponent. The world map turn-based section works fine. However, once I go into an RTS battle after picking units and generals, the game crashes on the 2v2 battle loading screen... I find it strange the RTS loading screen shows 2v2 because I only selected one AI opponent from the lobby, and I locked the other player slots. Either way, two attempted RTS battles in campaign mode each resulted in a game crash. I sent Larian both error reports sucessfully. My specs: Running Steam beta version Nvidia GTX480 driver version: 314.22 (judging from reports in this thread it also crashes with 320.49 drivers -- but I will try updating drivers next) Intel i7 2600K (rock solid stability) 8GB ram Windows 7 x64 etc.... I have no other problems with any other games. Sigh... I didn't know they were going to put me to work asa playtester  UPDATE: I updated to the latest nvidia 320.49 drivers and experience the exact same issue. I have crashed 3 out of 3 attempts when attempting to load the RTS map from the campaign. UPDATE 2: The game crashes after the map load screen on skirmish mode as well. HOWEVER, I took the advice of the first poster on the next page and switched to lan game against an AI and did not lock any slots in the lobby. The game loaded the RTS map for the first time without incident.
Last edited by Erebus; 09/07/13 10:04 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Did you try a just a skirmish, rather than the multiplayer campaign (select at the top right of the lobby, above the map)?
You can switch to LAN rather than Online, and not need to bother locking any slots if you just want to play against the AI. At least in previous betas locking slots could cause the game to crash.
Joined: Jun 2011
Did you try a just a skirmish, rather than the multiplayer campaign (select at the top right of the lobby, above the map)?
You can switch to LAN rather than Online, and not need to bother locking any slots if you just want to play against the AI. At least in previous betas locking slots could cause the game to crash.
ORIGINAL PROBLEM: Game would always crash loading RTS maps in campaign mode or loading the skirmish map. PROBLEM EXPLAINED: Locking the slots in the lobby will cause the game to crash while loading the skirmish or RTS portion of the campaign. This happened 4 out of 4 times (3 during the campain while loading the RTS and 1 when loading a skirmish map. I had ZERO successes loading the RTS maps with the lobby slots locked.) SOLUTION: Do not lock the player slots in the game lobby and the game should no longer crash while loading the RTS/skirmish maps. Thanks Raze. Problem solved.
Last edited by Erebus; 10/07/13 12:39 AM.