Originally Posted by Helena L
Originally Posted by theBlackDragon

Why hasn't anybody commented on Scarlett wearing high heels yet?

I found this annoying as well, but after all the fuss over the concept art, I thought bringing up the issue was more trouble than it was worth. I'm assuming there'll be non-high-heeled armours in the final game.

Most companies try to appeal so much to their main group of players which seem to be puberting, hormondriven munchkins, that they keep recycling those obnoxious cliches of chainmail bikinis and Barbarians which seem to eat every day anabolica for breakfast for years ;p
Maybe Larian can break that bad habit and show that the average player age raised since the last decade? smile

So, if you are against high heels, honk. *HONK,HONK*

Ideals are like stars. We might never reach them. But we can set our course by them.