Originally Posted by henryv
I don't like QTE because it tends to be tedious and annoying. Don't also suggest something like this (Arx Fatalis Spell casting) just look at how failed the spell casting system @ 1:22 (it is due to real time though). Again, it will be tedious.

Hey, that was a GREAT game and the magic system was refreshing different and quite immersive smile
A good mage knows his spells and does not panic and in the process confuse his runes like that guy in the video which got molested by the rat and died from his panic reaction wink

But every idea works for certain games with different style and pacing and I agree, for DOS it would clearly not the right system, not to mention that one is first person view and the other isometric.

Ideals are like stars. We might never reach them. But we can set our course by them.