Not knowing what dragon skills your opponent(s) have is a two way street. It is both an advantage and disadvantage for each player.

On the topic of banning units, Supreme Commander has these options but they are not every unit and upgrade. Instead, they are general things like "No Naval" or "No game enders" (no nukes, artillery, and things of mass destruction). Options similar to these can be implemented easily by preventing the building of certain buildings (If you couldn't build a naval factory then you are not going to have any juggernauts, imp busters, and transports now are you?). some other banning could be no dragon, no [enter building name], and dragon sills everyone is forced to use. I would not expect anything much more complicated than that if such options were added. Now, if specific unit(s) are to be banned then a gentleman agreement sounds like the most practical solution. Then again all these things could be restricted by a gentleman's agreement, but there are always trolls.

All this has got me wondering if this game will release with an editor like OS will.