old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
Here's a changelist for version
- Added a lot more control options when in dragon mode: create control groups like you're used to (CTRL+number to assign) then call your control groups with ALT+number you can then build units (when building selected) or cast skills and direct units (use their shortcuts, shortcut to move is Q) - Fixed transports AI in RTS - Fixed strategy AI - Fixed sorting in unitshop - Fixed lobby crash during refresh - Fixed issues players not correctly leaving lobbies, resulting in lobbies which always fail NAT punchthroughs \o/ - Updated soundbanks - Added autodetect for texture quality settings - Memory optimization for terrain texture system - Fixed mines not finding any targets - Clear lines when exiting RTS mode - Added audio slider for unit reactions - Anti air turrets have reveal skill now - Memory layout optimizations to reduce fragmentation - Warlock only cloaks self now - Added manual decloak button to warlock - Tank unload is instant now - Enabled savegames when playing against AI - Added dynamic gamespeed when playing against AI: in RTS, you can increase/decrease this with +/- or in menu - AI's show correct names now - Added country tooltip on sea tiles - Improved shaman flee behaviour - Show dragon spawn timer in UI - Warlock & Shaman cast range doubled - Devastator Besiege increased AoE - Warlock Cloak to Tier 1 - Warlock Polymorph to tier 2 - Dragon Haste to tier 1 - Performance optimizations - Stability fixes
We are aware of an issue in this version with the unit control icons not appearing in RTS mode. This will be fixed tomorrow.
Have fun!
Joined: Jan 2009
Hooray, saved games are back. This is the biggest reason for me not finishing campaigns - not because of crashes, but because I get tired of playing before I run out of game to win.
The control you get in Dragon mode is a huge game-changer. Slap all your buildings onto one control group in RTS mode, and you can tab through them in Dragon mode, making a ton of stuff on the fly, and with buildings selected, the "move/attack" button in dragon mode tells nits where to rally to.
The tab also works great for controlling your blob, and yet offers you precise precision for moving your units. I'm not used to this new control method and haven't really gotten accustomed to using control groups so far, but I'll have to keep trying.
Found something interesting. If caps lock is on entering an RTS map, the unit/production shortcut keys show up in capitals instead of lowercase.
Joined: May 2010
Fantastic! So many changes I would like to see) P.S-  Shut up and take my money!! Throwing money to monitor
Last edited by James 540; 18/07/13 02:34 AM.
Experience is a hard master but a good teacher-Proverb of RPG player (c)
Joined: Jan 2009
Bug: In the Campaign, I can't seem to research any units on the Master tier, despite having 64 Research points (I saved for an extra turn after 44 wasn't enough to check. The AI was able to research Charm, but I am not able to myself.
Dragon skill research does work.
Last edited by Stabbey; 18/07/13 03:32 AM. Reason: unit research
Joined: Jul 2013
If it's dragon research that's strange, but if it's unit research, did you get shamans first? - I've noticed that's one, "feature" they have at the moment.
Joined: Jan 2009
If it's dragon research that's strange, but if it's unit research, did you get shamans first? - I've noticed that's one, "feature" they have at the moment. I have no idea what I researched first. Do you mean to say that if you research Shamans as your first thing, that blocks you from Tier 4 research?
Joined: May 2010
-BUG-Before battle I cannot choose Hostile AI setting at all -Bug-There are some intricate text lines at tutorial videos(Russian Language)There are not correct subtitles for these videos
Last edited by James 540; 18/07/13 03:57 AM.
Experience is a hard master but a good teacher-Proverb of RPG player (c)
Joined: Mar 2003
Do you mean to say that if you research Shamans as your first thing, that blocks you from Tier 4 research? I think Nuju just meant that you have to have researched Shamans before you would be able to research Charm. You would have to have researched some of the unit types, though, so that couldn't be the problem for the entire master category. EDIT: You need to research something on the Expert level to get access to the Master level. With just the hunter unit researched, I didn't have access to any Master level research. If I researched A Bird in the Hand, for example, I could research teleportation for the hunters, as well as juggernauts and bomber balloons. Researching Devastators unlocked those 3 Master level items, as well as the On The Double devastator upgrade. -BUG-Before battle I cannot choose Hostile AI setting at all With this beta (or at least this is the first I've noticed it), there is no 'Default AI' setting, the difficulty level is just set at whatever the default value is in the main options. You should still be able to change the AI difficulty in the lobby, though.
Last edited by Raze; 18/07/13 05:18 AM.
Joined: Jul 2013
Has the pathfinding been changed? I had it happen a few times now* that my troops didn't reach the destination I set for them and instead walked in circles or got stuck in some dead end (that didn't even point in the right direction). * I ordered them to move to some rather distant location, the map was this one map with the sea divided by a long narrow stretch of land with two ressource centers and navy/air sites on it. I think it might be the one Stabbey keeps complaining about. 
Joined: Jan 2010
Anyone else seeing a massive list of new skirmish maps that don't actually load and instead crash you to desktop?
Last edited by Bukeagle; 18/07/13 10:21 AM. Reason: Also, ambient sounds still don't seem to be playing on at least some of the skirmish maps
Joined: Nov 2012
Anyone else seeing a massive list of new skirmish maps that don't actually load and instead crash you to desktop?
Yes, it seems they aren't ready as there aren't pictures of the maps, but I was hopeful and loaded one anyway and the game froze. Also - not sure if it started in this version or previous, as I haven't played in a few days, but the Frost Isles map has no land and there are skeletons, trees and towers hanging in mid-air!
aka Phexicans - Weresheepfox of Sin
Joined: Apr 2013
I played on Frost Isles pre patch and there was land there, maybe something happened during the patch in regards to that map.
I'm also known as Tovarah.
Joined: May 2013
Here's a bug that I kept forgetting to include in the reports:
For a while now, and up until the last version, including (haven't tested in the current version yet), I noticed that if I had control groups from previous maps, they would not clear for a new map. This results in me pressing 2 or 3 and selecting a random group of units and structures, including some that were not even mine, if I had not assigned a new group 2 or 3 yet.
Unless otherwise specified, just an opinion or simple curiosity.
Joined: Jan 2010
Because I suck at editing (see my above post where I put my question in the actual edit reason, ha ha), I'm going to just sort of generally ask again.
Is anyone else missing ambient effects in some of the skirmish maps? To test, turn music all the way down, and see if you can hear any ambient sounds such as wind, or birds.
I absolutely do not get any ambient effects in Emerald Mountain, for example.
Joined: Apr 2013
I've not noticed any missing sounds, but then again I haven't really been looking for them. I'll certainly listen out for them next time I play on the maps.
I'm also known as Tovarah.
Joined: Jan 2009
Do you mean to say that if you research Shamans as your first thing, that blocks you from Tier 4 research? I think Nuju just meant that you have to have researched Shamans before you would be able to research Charm. You would have to have researched some of the unit types, though, so that couldn't be the problem for the entire master category. EDIT: You need to research something on the Expert level to get access to the Master level. ... of course I already have Shamans researched. I'm 19 turns into the game. I am saying that I can literally research NOTHING on that tier, despite having the prerequisites and money. Nope, Raze, I'm pretty sure this is bugged. I do have things researched on the Expert Tier. I have the Devastator, but can't pick up "On the Double". I can't research the Juggernaut or Bomber Balloon. Aha! I think the problem is because I loaded a saved game. I saved and continued a campaign game last night. Just before going to sleep, I manually saved, then researched Imp Fighters, and quit the game without saving again. Loading the game I saved last night, now I cannot research anything at all on the Expert Tier, even though I bought things from it previously. That's probably also why I cannot research the master tier stuff: I tried to do that after loading a previous saved game. EDIT: No wait, now the research menu seems to have fixed itself - both tiers. I'm not sure why. It is a fresh turn now, though.
Last edited by Stabbey; 18/07/13 11:50 AM. Reason: research menu fixed itself.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
It's bugged and it's fixed in the beta upload we'll do today. In QA now, should be up in a couple of hours.
Joined: Jul 2013
Two more things I noticed:
Sometimes my movements on the campaign map don't seem to be executed. I plan them, but when I click the advance turn button, they stay were they are. Anyone got an idea why?
Removing a building on the campaign map could use a confirmation, a simple miss-click and it's gone (yeah, I know, don't miss-click...)
Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
Joined: Dec 2012
Two more things I noticed:
Sometimes my movements on the campaign map don't seem to be executed. I plan them, but when I click the advance turn button, they stay were they are. Anyone got an idea why?
Yes, I have an idea  That is because your opponent plays a sabotage card on the country your units are in (like "The hunters in the selected country will not be able to move during the next turn"). This also happened to me and I was wondering at this before by chance I saw the played card during the turn progression. This should be made more visible in my opinion.
Joined: Apr 2013
I LOVE the sabotage cards. You know your foe is *insert unit*-friendly, place that card in the blind spot and watch him moan as his favourite unit just got worthless!