Balancing comments:
Not sure how long some of these changes have been in.
I like the changes to the campaign map. Higher research costs for upper tier units like balloons. It was way too easy before to hurry to balloons and just stomp everything. Much better now.

Also in favor of just starting with hunters as it is now. Anyone with a brain researched them first anyway.

I do not like the inclusion of free dragon skills though. Having them blank emphasized what you research to a greater degree. Invest early in units, suffer on the dragon. Now you can get by a little easier and the trade off isn't as significant.

Is there a way you can place a greater emphasis on when your opponent uses a card against you? I know it pops up on the right but frankly watching the 'replay' is tedious. I think if a card is placed on your land it should pop up in a way that is more obvious.

Also could we get a hotkey for "skip replay"/"end turn" or is there one and I'm just not aware of it? Spacebar would be good.

Also great work on the AI, getting better every patch.
And Dynamic game speed is great.

Last edited by SniperHF; 18/07/13 08:33 PM.