Originally Posted by Larian_QA
We've made quite some changes on the balancing as we are trying something out. Goldcost on Strategymap has been upped. Recruitment costs in Combat have changed across the board to reflect this.

Conversion from strategy to combat is as follows:
- all ground troops are 1 -> 3
- fighter and bomber are 1 -> 2
- ironclads and juggernaut are 1 -> 2
- zeppelin and transport are 1 -> 1

Balancing of unit vs unit has also changed a lot. hard counters to units are now more aparant. (example: Armour vs hunter, hunter vs tier 1 units, Devastator vs tier 1 units).

Beta patch
- major balancing changes due to tryout
- stability improvements
- connection fixes

Do you guys even sleep?

You guys are pumping out patches almost as fast as kerberos productions did after their forced release of sword of the stars 2. You guys are awesome.

Last edited by Zolee; 19/07/13 11:27 PM.