We've made quite some changes on the balancing as we are trying something out. Goldcost on Strategymap has been upped. Recruitment costs in Combat have changed across the board to reflect this.
So far I like the difference on the strat map. It makes saving gold vs spending it right away a real trade off. Before I always felt more benefit from spamming lesser units like hunters and shaman. Combined with the harder counters those lower tier units are no longer the most desirable.
Also it takes longer to recover from your losses so target selection is more important.
Balancing of unit vs unit has also changed a lot. hard counters to units are now more aparant. (example: Armour vs hunter, hunter vs tier 1 units, Devastator vs tier 1 units).
Immediately noticing the hunter/armor counter. Especially since I use a lot of armors. Makes a real difference in game, don't know if its better or not yet though.